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    Title: 以情緒詞為基礎之情境資訊連結與觀察
    Contextual Information Connection and Observation Based on Emotion Words
    Authors: 吳建良
    Wu, Chien Liang
    Contributors: 劉吉軒
    Liu, Jyi Shane
    Wu, Chien Liang
    Keywords: 情緒
    source of the emotion
    emotion repair
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 14:02:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來情緒逐漸在電腦科學領域中受到重視,有科學家利用人體生物感測方式來判斷情緒,再播放出適合的音樂或影片給使用者。也有用在電子寵物上,利用使用者或電子寵物的情緒來做互動。然而在語言上雖然也有對情緒作研究,大多是以人工方式對字詞做情緒上的分類,或是使用者的情緒狀態對閱讀的影響。另外我們觀察到許多的話語都含有情緒字詞或情緒意圖,而所寫的文字也同樣具有情緒。在生活中,情緒字詞往往在傳達明顯的情緒表達資訊,譬如文章中在敘述一個主角為某件事情,而所用的情緒字詞為高興,也就代表主角的情緒反應是很快樂、愉快,甚至於歡欣。因此在特定的領域或撰寫方式,大多都會透露出當時環境狀況,瞭解到當時的情緒情境資訊(Emotional Contextual Information)。

    情緒情境資訊的目的有三個,一為情緒詞與概念的關聯性?二為如何透過概念來喚起(Arousal)人們對某種情境所應表現出的特定情緒?三則是情緒修復(Mood Repair),如何將人們目前所處之負向修復至正向情緒?這樣的研究能夠帶來的不只是瞭解情緒字詞與事物字詞之間的關聯,更能理解是哪些情緒來源(Source of the Emotion)會引發情緒以及相關程度,對於情意計算與相關應用上會有相當大的幫助。

    In recent years, emotional in the computer science to be more important, some scientists have used the way of human biological sensor to recognize emotional, and then broadcast music or films for the users. Also useful in the electronic pets, using the emotion of user or electronic pets to do interaction. However, there is also research for emotional in language, but mostly based on classify the word to right emotion category by artificial way or user`s emotional state for the impact of reading. In addition, we observed speaking contain emotional word or intent, and also written. In life, emotional words often convey clear emotional expression information. For example, the article described a protagonist is happy for something, and the author use the word "happy", means that he`s emotional reaction was very happy, pleasant, and even joy. So, in specific area or writing, most of the time will reveal the state of the environment, to understand the "Emotional Contextual Information".

    The purposes of the emotional contextual information have three: first, the relative of emotional word and concept. Second, how to arouse the specific emotion for a situation how feeling by people. Third, Emotion repair, how to repair the emotion from negative to positive. This research is not only knowing the relative emotional words and concept, but also understanding what the source of the emotion that will be aroused. There will be a help in Affect Computing and related applications.

    According to the study, we have established a Emotional Situation of Co-occurrence network, and upper the word to concept. The purpose of this part is to know what the concept connection will link the synonym word in different situation, and also can simplify the complexity of network. Then using traditional indicators to find the keyword of articles, the relate with emotional word and concept. We have proposed new indicator to compensate for the drawback of traditional methods. Through the control of these indicators to find out the source of the emotional which can arouse or repair the emotion in specific situation. Finally, by the result of the questionnaire and statistical analysis. Verification results of our study will certainly identify the concepts with strong link in specific emotional situation, and through the emotional control to achieve the purpose of arousal and repair.
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