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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/32650
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    Title: 根據概念學習發展以內容為主的音樂查詢之相關回饋機制
    Relevance feedback for content-based music retrieval based on semantic concept learning
    Authors: 江孟芬
    Chiang, Meng-Fen
    Contributors: 沈錳坤
    Shan, Man-Kwan
    Chiang, Meng-Fen
    Keywords: 資料探勘
    Data Mining
    Music retrieval
    Relevance Feedback
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 13:56:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 傳統的音樂檢索系統主要在提供使用者特定音樂的查詢(target search)。除此之外,使用者也有類型音樂查詢(category search)的需求。在類型音樂查詢中,該類型的所有音都共同具備使用者所定義的概念(semantic concept)。這個由使用者定義的概念在音樂檢索系統上是主觀的且動態產生的。換句話說,同一使用者在不同情境之下對於同一首音樂可能產生不同的解讀概念。為了動態擷取使用者的概念,讓使用者參與在查詢過程的互動機制是必要的。因此, 我們提出將相關回饋(relevance feedback)的機制運用在以內容為主的音樂查詢系統上,讓系統從使用者的相關回饋中學習使用者的概念,並利用這學習出的概念來幫助音樂查詢。
    由於使用者可能從整首音樂或音樂片段兩種角度來判斷該音樂是否具備使用者定義的概念。因此,本論文提出用以片段為主的音樂模型(segment-based modeling approach)將音樂表示成音樂片段的集合。進一步再從整首音樂和片段中擷取特徵。
    最後,我們分析各種系統回饋機制對搜尋效果的影響。Most-positive回傳機制會選擇根據目前系統判斷為最相關的物件。Most-informative機制則是回傳系統無法判斷其相關性的音樂物件。Most-informative 機制的目的在增加每回合系統從使用者身上得到的資訊量。Hybrid 則是中和前兩種機制的優點。本文中,我們模擬並比較各種回傳機制的效能。實驗結果顯示相關回饋機制確實能提升查詢的效果。
    Traditional content-based music retrieval system retrieves a specific music object which is similar to the user’s query. There is also a need, category search, for retrieving a specific category of music objects. In category search, music objects of the same category share a common semantic concept which is defined by the user. The concept for category search in music retrieval is subjective and dynamic. Different users at different time may have different interpretations for the same music object. In the music retrieval system along with relevance feedback mechanism, users are expected to be involved in the concept learning process. Relevance feedback enables the system to learn user’s concept dynamically.

    In this paper, the relevance feedback mechanism for category search of music retrieval based on the semantic concept learning is investigated. We proposed a segment-based music representation to assist the system in discovering user’s concept in terms of low-level music features. Each music object is modeled as a set of significant motivic patterns (SMP) achieved by discovering motivic repeating pattern. Both global and local music features are considered in concept learning.

    Moreover, to discover user’s semantic concept, a two-phase frequent pattern mining algorithm is proposed to discover common properties from relevant and irrelevant objects respectively and based on which a classifier is derived for distinguishing music objects.
    Except user’s feedback, three strategies of the system’s feedback to select objects for user’s relevance judgment are investigated. Most-positive strategy returns the most relevant music object to the user while most-informative strategy returns the most uncertain music objects for improving the discrimination power of the next round. Hybrid feedback strategy returns both of them. Comparative experiments are conducted to evaluate effectiveness of the proposed relevance feedback mechanism. Experimental results show that a better precision can be achieved via proposed relevance feedback mechanism.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093753009
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