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Title: | 外溢效果對製造業之影響---以我國大專院校為例 |
Authors: | 黃琳鈞 Huang,Lin-Chun |
Contributors: | 劉小蘭 詹士樑 Liu,Hsiao-Lan Chan, Shih-Liang 黃琳鈞 Huang,Lin-Chun |
Keywords: | 外溢效果 研究機構 產業 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 13:52:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近代經濟的發展來自於生產力長期的累積增加,而生產力長期持續增加的原因,來自知識不斷的累積與有效應用,在知識經濟時代,知識儼然已成為提升生產力與促進經濟成長的主要驅動力;知識之來源即是人力資源。因此人力資源之利用,可促使科學、研發的商業化,推動創新體制,提升產業的競爭力及生產力。人力資源的培訓,則仰賴大學與研究機構,透過產學間的合作、人才的訓練,以增進產業的生產力。
透過實證結果亦發現:1、大專院校的外溢效果對於高科技產業具有正面的影響,表示大學此類之研究機構設置在地理空間分佈上,對於高科技產業的發展是有利的;2、大專院校的外溢效果對傳統產業而言,並不顯著;顯示出我國傳統產業在利用政府研究機構的技術轉移能力還是比較薄弱,而產業區位之分佈也未如高科技產業有著與研究機構空間分佈有高度相關。 The recent development of economic relies on the long-period accumulation of productivity while the accumulation of productivity is caused by the increasing and effective application of knowledge. In the period of knowledge economic, knowledge itself becomes the major force to promote the productivity and the development of economic. The origin of knowledge comes out from human resource. Therefore the application of human resources can commercialize science and R&D, create innovative systems, and promote the industry’s competitiveness and productivity. The training of human resource relies on the cooperation and career training among colleges, research institutes and the industry that can increase the industry’s productivity.
Recently the research institutes have been being set up variously. We would say the government highly cares about the basic research; while that can be proved in the set of Academia Sinica and Industrial Technology Research Institute to the broadly colleges. However it’s still arguable if the research institute’s spillover effect on industry’s productivity is obvious or not. Therefore this thesis takes the college as a case study and focus on the colleges’ spillover effect on high-tech industry together with the traditional industry.
The findings of this thesis are as below:
1.The colleges’ spillover effect on high-tech industry is positive relevant while it means the set of research institutes in geographic space is useful to the development of high-tech industry;
2.At the meanwhile, the colleges’ spillover effect on traditional industry is not obviously proved; the effect mentions that it is weak to use the tech transferring ability of the traditional industry taken from governmental research institutes. In comparison with the high-tech industry, the space distribution of traditional industry is not highly relevant with the set of research institutes as expected. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 90257025 91 |
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