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    Title: 中國大陸區域經濟成長收斂研究-結構性時間序列之應用
    A Study of Provincial Economic Growth Convergence in China with Applied Structural Time Series Approach
    Authors: 李娟菁
    Contributors: 沈中華
    Shen,Chung Hua
    Keywords: 結構性時間序列
    structural time series
    economic growth convergence hypothesis
    dynamic panel data
    GMM estimation
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 13:42:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本篇論文在結構性時間序列模型基礎下,將中國大陸29省市自治區1978-2005年實質人均GDP,拆解出其長期趨勢變動軌跡中的水準值與斜率值,對照傳統上直接利用實質所得數據,以動態縱橫資料方法進行經濟成長條件收斂假說的檢定。本文特色在於加入潛在GDP長期趨勢項的水準值和斜率值,並利用內生解釋變數落後項動態分析。除可驗證隨著時間經過,中國相對貧窮省區是否終將逐漸趕上相對富有省份所得水準外,其次,根據GDP趨勢項一階與二階條件的收斂與否,可進而確認實質GDP收斂的本質。
    我們發現,實質人均GDP收斂的本質關鍵在於潛在趨勢水準收斂,潛在GDP趨勢斜率的成長率將左右區域間實質所得收斂速度。大部分樣本中,擴大的Solow模型或考慮不同經濟開放程度因素下的內生成長模型,支持條件收斂假說,而後者設算出的收斂係數明顯較為低。此外,考慮採用Arellano and Bond(1991)的the first difference GMM估計式可能存在弱工具性問題(a weak instruments problem),以Blundell and Bond(1998)發展出的the system GMM估計式,作為探討初始所得與經濟成長收斂的關係應是較為適合的方法。
    This research examines the economic growth conditional convergence hypothesis. Using the data of 29 provinces in Mainland China between 1978 and 2005, this study applied the structural time series model to deconstruct the provinces’ real GDP per capita into two parts - the level and the slope of trend movement. The characteristics of this paper are to include the level and the slope of trend of potential GDP and to consider the lagged dependent variables into the panel data. This study intends to validate whether the income level of relatively poor provinces will gradually catch up that of the relatively affluent provinces in Mainland China eventually. In addition, this study, based on the convergence or divergence in the first-order and second-order conditions of GDP tendency, will confirm the essence of the convergence in real GDP.
    The findings are that the essential key of the convergence in real GDP per capita is the convergence of the potential level of GDP. The growth of potential GDP tendency slope would affect the converging speed of real income in regions. The testing results of either the augmented Solow model or the endogenous growth model which considered different economic opening degrees both support the conditional convergence hypothesis in most sample sets, while the estimated convergence coefficients of the later are significantly lower than those of the former. In addition, considering the possible weak instruments problem in the first difference GMM estimator developed by Arellano and Bond (1991), the system GMM developed by Blundell and Bond (1998) should be a more suitable way to observe the relation between initial income level and economic growth convergence.
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