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Title: | 基層警察人員裁量行為之認知研究 The study of junior-ranking-police-officers’ discretionary behavior |
Authors: | 葉正芊 |
Contributors: | 吳定 葉正芊 |
Keywords: | 裁量行為 基層警察 discretionary behavior junior ranking police officers |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 13:05:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 行政裁量議題研究一直為法學界與公共行政學界,討論公部門的研究核心重點之一,然法學界重其結果的影響性,公共行政學界重其組織中的運作。據此,無論官僚受到規則如何的嚴密監控,當工作授權下級,便會產生模糊的行使空間。因此,在公共行政的下的觀點,已非單純考量規則是否會造成侵害,更注重官僚本身行使時的價值及其限制性。
本文由決策的描述面研究,在政策建議上較難提供完全有效的處方,但仍可由組織與個人兩方面著手思考相關配套。就組織面而言,管理者應對行政課責、管理技術作適當的調控;績效考核宜注重對工作熟悉度的正面義意;決策透明化與行政倫理的遵守,以化解人情的壓力;另外,養成教育過程中,除專業技能外,不能忽略行政倫理重要性;定期檢視法令變遷後,對程序的差異性。而在個人面,鼓勵成員對裁量困境的回饋;重視資深基層人員人力資源的經驗傳承;增進服務品質以提昇警察聲望。以期對基層員警運用於裁量行使的過程中,有助其豐富判斷力,得到較佳的結果。 Discretion is a core issue in law, concerned with facts and consequences, while in public administration concerned with power operation in public organizations. In public administration aspect, discretion emphasizes on the values and limits in bureaucratic implementation rather than on the harm of rules. No matter how bureaucrats are strictly monitored by rules, the fact of blur in execution due to delegation of authority still exists.
The object of this study focuses on the street-level bureaucrats, junior-ranking-police-officers. On the one hand, they often confront with social events in using discretionary power with their judgment. Sometimes they deal with the events and have to face the challenges on humanity side. On the other hand, in order to avoid the abuse of discretionary power, they are always restricted by rules and organizational norms in the execution of enforcement, informing violators and arresting suspects.
This paper researches the issue of discretionary power in the aspects of job and individual. Dependent variables are consisted of soft enforcement and strict enforcement. Independent variables are those of the degree of strict management, the familiar of work, interaction of favoritism pressure, the responsibility of individual and administrative accountability.
There are five chapters in this study. Chapter one is an introduction to study motives, purposes, research methods and limits et cetera. Chapter two is engaged to literature review reading the differences between discretion in law, organization and principal-agent aspects and the descriptive decision theory of heuristics in human daily life under uncertainty. Finally this study made effects to integrate them into the practices of junior-ranking-police-officers’ discretionary power. Chapter three is consisted of research design about research framework, hypotheses, questionnaire and its reliability and validity. Chapter four is discussed the statistical result. Chapter five is the conclusion and policy suggestion of this study.
Because of applying descriptive approach, the finding of this study won’t provide for directly prescriptions for management, but they still could help us to understand real interactions in some way. For the management side, the balance art of management technology, administrative accountability, and job performance is important for managers. Secondly, better education makes better enforcement. Decision in transparent and administrative ethics could reduce improper outside pressure. Thirdly, an individual policeman should pay more attention on learning law enforcement. At last, policemen not only learn knowledge in ordinary time but give the dilemma feedback would be helpful for managers. "第一章 緒論 - 4 -
第二章 裁量相關概念之研究 - 19 -
第三章 研究設計 - 50 -
第四章 問卷分析與統計結果 - 69 -
第五章 結論與建議 - 94 -
參考書目 - 102 -
附錄一:問卷 - 109 -
附錄二:問卷信效度 - 115 - |
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