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Title: | 我國行動電話基地臺管理制度之研究:回應性政策評估觀點 The Fourth Generation Policy Evaluation of the Cell Phone Base Station Management System |
Authors: | 王裴芝 |
Contributors: | 江明修 Chiang,Min Hsiu 王裴芝 |
Keywords: | 基地臺 回應性評估 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:41:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 民國85年電信民營自由化,行動通信業務陸續開放,行動通信基礎建設也逐年展開,隨著無線寛頻接取業務WiMAX(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)、數位電視、數位廣播等無線通訊網路時代的來臨,我國行動通信的服務愈趨完善,儼然成為國際間首屈一指的通訊樞紐。
世界衛生組織(WHO)於2006年5月第 304 號概要說明書(Fact Sheet #304)中仍維持過去表示低於 ICNIRP (國際非游離輻射防護委員會)標準下的電磁波,無證據證明有害人體健康的一貫立場,更確切指出,在過去15年間,透過細心規劃和執行的病理學研究,甚至在電磁波強度遠超過基地臺和無線網路所能產生的情形下,長期的動物研究實驗也未能證明暴露行動通信電磁場領域下會增加罹癌風險。
管道與頻次,追蹤風險認知的趨勢,評估風險溝通的效果。 Since 1996, Taiwan has been steadily liberalizing the telecommunications market, launching new services, and continuously developing the telecommunications infrastructure. Wireless communication networks, such as WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), digital TV and digital broadcast are currently at the forefront of this development. Consequently, Taiwan has already become an international communications hub.
Under the standards set forth in May, 2006, in the 304th essential instructions (Fact Sheet#304) of electromagnetic waves, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggested no evidence to prove the harmful effect of electromagnetic waves to human health. The report highlighted the past fifteen years of research, such as pathology elaboration programming, and performance research. Even in circumstances where the strength of electromagnetic waves far exceeded the amount at base stations and the wireless network, and after conducting long-term animal research, experiments could not prove electromagnetism increases Li cancer.
Although there is still no scientific evidence connecting electromagnetic wave radiation to cancer, public concern continues to grow, sometimes aggressively. Even to the extent that an operator had to dismantle a cellular phone base station. The NCC is tackling this issue holistically and has developed the following policies regarding this matter:
(1)policy publicly: to ensure the privately-owned land or buildings owners and the neighboring residents could have the chance to participate in the decision making process of the pedestal constitution of the cell phone base, when the government examine the permission licenses of base pedestals.
(2)education and propaganda: to educate the public by diversified ways and adopts diversified marketing according to different character relative groups.
(3)cooperate broadly: communications regulatory organization (NCC) - healthy risk organizations (Department of Health ) - environmental conservation groups.
(4)inform of risks: to identify with the related group and accept the fact that the thought gaps of the public exist naturally. Then to develop a conversation platform to enhance the communication between the government, operators, and the public, and mention the trend of the public’s risk cognition to evaluate communication effect. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 95921070 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095921070 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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