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    Title: 台商赴中國大陸與海外其他地區投資之進入模式比較
    A Comparison of entry modes for Taiwan investment in Mainland China and other overseas areas
    Authors: 林佳蓉
    Lin, Chia Jung
    Contributors: 黃慶堂
    Lin, Chia Jung
    Keywords: 海外投資
    overseas investment
    entry mode
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 12:38:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台商1980年代對外投資的地點是主要集中於東南亞國家,惟1990年代後期,台商對東南亞的投資明顯減少,但對中國大陸的投資卻快速增加。近來因中國大陸實施新的勞工法、兩稅合一等招商選資政策,加以越南等國積極吸引台商前往投資,已有部份台商轉赴越南、印度、印尼等國家投資,出現新一波台商海外投資風潮。
    企業從事海外投資首先面臨的重要課題即為選擇適當之「進入模式(entry mode)」,因進入模式之適當與否將對日後的經營管理與營運績效產生重大影響。企業進入國際市場的策略類型很多,每一類型都與其企業經營目標息息相關。而台商面對眾多影響進入模式的因素時,若無正確的衡量標準而逕赴海外投資,勢必增加其投資風險。
    In the 1980s, Taiwan’s outward investment mainly went to Southeast Asian countries. However, in the late 1990s, the island’s investment there declined significantly, while in mainland China it rapidly increased. Recently, mainland China has made its promotion of investment by domestic and foreign enterprises alike more selective by implementing a new labor law and a unified corporate income tax rate; and Vietnam and other developing countries have moved vigorously to attract investment from Taiwan. As a result, some Taiwan businesses have shifted their investment to Vietnam, India, Indonesia and other developing countries. This appears to constitute a new trend in Taiwanese overseas investment.
    The foremost issue for an enterprise investing overseas is choosing an appropriate “entry mode”, because the entry mode will affect the enterprise’s management and performance. There are many kinds of strategies that enterprises use to enter international markets, and every kind is closely related to the goals of the investor. When Taiwan enterprises investing overseas and face numerous factors that affect their entry mode, the lack of appropriate measurement standards will inevitably increase their investment risk.
    This study uses descriptive statistical analysis, cross-analysis, and ANOVA to analyze empirically the differenced of entry modes and the factors that influence Taiwanese investment in mainland China and other overseas areas. The statistics show that the investment motivation, scale of investing business, outward investment destination, and industry category significantly affect the entry mode that Taiwan enterprises adopt when investing in mainland China and other overseas areas; international experience, however, does not significantly affect the entry mode that Taiwanese enterprises adopt.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095921014
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文

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