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Title: | 我國榮民安養養護機制運作之研究-平衡計分卡觀點 The Research of Operative Mechanism of Care andDisplacement of Veterans in Taiwan , R.O.C. :The Viewpoint from Balanced Scorecard |
Authors: | 張伯英 |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐教授 張伯英 |
Keywords: | 榮民 榮家 平衡計分卡 財務構面 顧客構面 內部流程構面 學習與成長構面 |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:33:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 榮家安養養護的對象-就養榮民,為年老生活無依著的退伍軍人,他們的青壯時期大都是在戰爭、顚沛的生活中度過,因此大部分的老榮民個性均較為孤僻,不易與人相處,養護的機制需求與一般的養護照顧有所不同。
關鍵字:榮民、榮家、平衡計分卡、財務構面、顧客構面、內部流程構面、學習與成長構面 The subjects for veterans-home to take care of are veterans who are aged ex-servicemen and live helplessly. They spent their days in war and turbulent environments, therefore, most of them have eccentric and unsociable characters, hard to live with others. The requirements for veterans-home are different to other organizations.
In order to get a better understanding for the mechanism of veterans-home, this study makes use of the four perspectives from balanced scorecard viewpoint which are financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth. Through on-the-spot, long-term observation and interviews with the veterans-home personnel to discuss its operation mechanism and provide some suggestions for veterans-home to meet the requirements of aged ex-servicemen. And how does veterans-home make the best use of its resources, broaden its service subjects and promote its service quality while facing the social environment change.
This study takes the four perspectives of balanced scorecard as its theory frame to research the settlement of veterans and the operation of settlement mechanism in our country, to offer some suggestions for the references of improving service quality and create a better living environment for the veterans. From this study we find that:
1. Financial perspective: interviewers believe that veterans-home should cut down its unnecessary administration expenses and enhance its financial audit mechanism, in order that the limited budget can be spent on the veterans.
2. Customer perspective: improve living facility and environment of veterans-home, promote the service quality of personnel, increase leisure activities and enhance medical treatment to raise veterans’ desires to live in the veterans-home.
3. Internal processes perspective: establish a standard operation procedure for service, enhance personnel and internal management.
4. Learning and growth perspective: in order to upgrade the medical treatment quality, all the interviewers believe that the basic medical treatment ability for service personnel should be enhanced, as well as the professional training for medical treatment personnel.
Key Words : veterans, veterans-home, balanced scorecard, financial perspective, customer perspective, internal processes perspective, learning and growth perspective |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 93921067 94 |
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