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Title: | 我國租稅稽徵成本之探討 A Study of Tax-Collection Cost in Taiwan |
Authors: | 楊慧敏 |
Contributors: | 王國樑 楊慧敏 |
Keywords: | 課稅成本 成本效率 稽徵成本 Tax costs Cost efficiency Administration costs. |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:33:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 一般認為稽徵成本之高低,不必然反映稅務行政的良窳;但透過歷史資料及長期趨勢的稽徵成本分析與檢討,若能降低稽徵成本,不僅增加國庫淨收入,且可以督促稽徵行政效率的提高,對於維護稅制的公平與合理亦有所助益。本文根據稽徵成本理論及我國內地稅14種稅目20年間的整合資料,進行稽徵成本效率的指標衡量。且蒐集國際間租稅稽徵成本的資料,與我國現況進行比較,並進一步探討影響我國租稅稽徵成本之成因,得到下列發現:(一)國稅與地方稅稽徵效率之更迭,主要係受到稅務行政組織變革的影響。(二)從稅務人員總數與全國人口數和勞動力比值顯示,我國比OECD國家高出甚多,隱含著我國稅務人力顯有不足。(三)國稅的稽徵成本遠較地方稅節省,而貨物稅為最節省的稅目,遺產贈與稅及娛樂稅分屬國稅及地方稅最昂貴的稅目;另台北市國稅局及北區國稅局為稽徵成本節省的機關,而南區國稅局則為稽徵成本昂貴的機關。(四)將稅收實徵淨額取自然對數和稽徵成本率進行迴歸測定,稅收規模與稽徵成本率呈顯著的負相關,顯示稅源較豐之轄區,稅收多,其稽徵成本率自較低,反之,稅源較匱乏之轄區,其稽徵成本率相對較高。(五)我國賦稅的稽徵經費與賦稅收入之趨勢,符合稽徵經費與賦稅收入的數學理論模型,稅源充足,增加一定稽徵經費時,賦稅收入增長較快,稅源較少,即使增加稽徵經費時,賦稅收入增長也較慢。(六)從人事費占總稽徵經費的比例分析,發現我國賦稅的課徵,最重要的是稅務稽徵人力,且我國用人費低於新加坡及香港,我國稅務人員待遇明顯偏低。 Enhancing cost efficiency in an increasingly globalized world plays an important role to the cut of tax costs that must be taken into account in tax administration costs and compliance costs, resulting in the efficiency improvement of tax-collection either by maximizing the revenue or by minimizing the tax cost. Tax collection cost, taxpaying cost and excess burden of economy are to be considered in tax costs. The basic theoretical analysis on tax costs research of tax administration costs in Taiwan’s reality have been studied and examined in the this study with the add of the tax cost theory and the investigations of the factors affecting these costs.
This work is composed of five parts. There are the research contents and framework of this study, the theoretical definition and classification of tax costs, an illustration of the tax administration costs and compliance costs on the Taiwan’s current tax operating costs compared to the tax administration in OECD member countries, the analysis of the situation and possible affecting factors of government tax collection costs, and making some discussions and conclusions as well as drawing the policy suggestions for Taiwan government regarding tax collection costs, respectively. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 93921048 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093921048 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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