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Title: | 檔案控制層次在歷史檔案編排之應用 |
Authors: | 葉美珠 |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 葉美珠 |
Keywords: | 歷史檔案 控制層次 檔案編排 多層次描述 historical archives the levels of control archival arrangement multiple description |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:00:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 檔案控制層次分為管理、全宗、系列、案卷、件等五個層次,是由美國國家檔案暨文件署之學者Oliver Wendell Holmes在1964年提出「檔案編排-五種不同的控制層次」一文的說法。
從2001年起,國內各典藏歷史檔案機構已就其重要的歷史檔案,引進採用最新發展之「檔案描述編碼格式」(Encoded Archival Description,簡稱EAD)及「國際檔案描述標準」(General International Standard Archival Description,簡稱ISAD(G))等標準,進行數位典藏計畫,使檔案控制層次在歷史檔案編排之應用,成為數位典藏計畫執行期間及本研究階段之重要研究課題。
最後對前述研究結論提出建議:一、未將檔案控制層次運用在歷史檔案編排者,應加以調整;二、控制層次之名稱與內涵應一致;三、運用檔案控制層次方法後,應加以彙集出版或作為網路上瀏覽檔案的輔助索引;四、建立描述計畫時,應著重在較高層次的描述;五、各機構應加強訂定檔案描述規則與多層次描述規範。 The levels of control in archival arrangement can be classified by depositories, fonds, series, files and items ,etc. This concept had been proposed by Oliver Wendell Holmes in 1964, in his article: “Archival Arrangement -- Five Different Operations at Five Different Levels”.
Since 2001, many public archive institutions which are major holders of historical materials in Taiwan, early or late participated in the “National Digital Archives Program” (NDAP). They have adopted “Encoded Archival Description” (EAD) and “General International Standard Archival Description” ( ISAD(G)) as the standards of archive digitization. Therefore, the levels of control applied in the arrangement of historical archives have become the main topics of NDAP and relative studies.
This study has adopted the “case study method” and the “in-depth interview method.” We make case studies of five major historical archive institutions in Taiwan -- the National Palace Museum, the Historica Academia, the Taiwan Historica, the Institute of History and Philology and the Institute of Modern History, especially regarding the levels of control applied in the arrangement of historical archives before and after these institutions participated in NDAP. On the other hand, we interviewed the archivists of the above institutions, in order to understand their work of archival description based on the levels of control.
We reached the following conclusions:
1. The above-mentioned institutions adopt the newly theory and practice in archival arrangement every now and again.
2. The levels of control not only have been applied in the arrangement of physical archives, but extended to digital archives.
3. The levels of control have become more definite in the specification of metadata requirement.
4. The logic of the levels of control can be utilized as the basis of finding aids and : the naming rule of digital files.
5. The hierarchical model of the levels of control has been presented in a kind of tree structure.
6. Most institutions focus their efforts on lower level descriptions.
7. For further research, we establish a summary table of the levels of control adopted by the above-mentioned institutions.
Finally, we do have some suggestions:
1. For every historical archive holder, it is a wise choice to adopt the levels of control to arrange the historical materials
2. The naming on the levels of control and its contents must be consistent.
3. The levels of control applied in the arrangement of historical materials should be available on-site to user as auxiliary index.
4. We’d better concentrate more efforts on higher level description while planning for archival description.
5. Each public archive institution should make every effort to enhance the establishment of Chinese archival description rules and multiple description specifications. |
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