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Title: | 台灣作家數位典藏調查研究 A survey on digital archives for Taiwanese writers |
Authors: | 李貞慧 Lee, Chen Hui |
Contributors: | 王梅玲 Wang, Mei Ling 李貞慧 Lee, Chen Hui |
Keywords: | 台灣文學 台灣作家 數位典藏 調查研究 Taiwan Literature Taiwanese Writers Digital Archives Survey |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:00:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 文學是語言文字的藝術,更是人類文化薈萃的結晶。目前現有的台灣作家數位典藏計畫如雨後春筍般蓬勃發展,但形式、內容差異大,尚未建立台灣作家數位典藏的模式。本研究旨在藉由對台灣作家數位典藏研究,建構台灣作家數位典藏模式,俾使進行文學數位化的同時,可對文學資料的外觀、背景資料、內容、甚至參照的部分,能夠完整的蒐集和呈現,不僅重現文學原有的樣貌,更豐富作品的意義與價值。
本研究最後針對台灣作家數位典藏的發展提出以下建議:(1)進行本研究模式優先選擇台灣重要作家進行數位典藏;(2)對於不同族群的台灣作家均應積極數位典藏;(3)台灣作家數位典藏需由文學領域學者及數位典藏專家共同合作;(4)妥善規劃網站內容的更新維護機制;(5)發展與使用者的雙向互動機制;(6)增強連結功能以及加值利用的設計;(7)建置「台灣作家入口網站」。 Literature is the art of language and the performance of human cultures. Nowadays, more and more digital archives programs of Taiwanese writers have been developed, but forms and contents are greatly different from each other. The purpose of this research is constructing the model of digital archives of Taiwanese writers, so that collected and displayed the information of the appearance of literature, context, content, reference perfectly when proceeding the digital of literature not only to reproduce the original appearance of literature, but also enrich its meaning and value.
In order to understand the situation of the digital archives of Taiwanese writers, the research collects a large number of Taiwanese literature digital archives websites by the internet investigate, and constructs a model of the digital archives of Taiwanese writers through case study. The research findings are as follow: (1) The digital archives of Taiwanese writers is historically significant ;(2) The digital archives of Taiwanese writers build a diverse achievement ;(3) Many 1920-1960s writers have not been the outcome of digital archives; (4) the overcome with Taiwanese and Hakka writers is a large part of the digital archives of Taiwanese writers; (5) to construct the model of digital archives of Taiwanese writers; (6) the lack of professional scholars of literature in the majority of Taiwan literature websites ;(7) It does not apply to digital archives of writers by object-oriented metadata ;(8) It displays writer`s life context by chronology and photographs, lack of hyperlinks function ;(9) Facing no way of knowing the copyright holders ;(10) Lack of financial support and the maintenance and update mechanism after the end of programs ;(11) Lack of a portal site for Taiwanese writers.
Based on the final results of this research, several suggestions for the development of digital archives of Taiwanese writers are as follow: (1) Preferred to choose the important writers to digital archives by the model from this research ;(2) Writers in all communities should be digital archived well ;(3) It should cooperate scholars between the domain of literature and digital archives ;(4) Plan the site mechanism of maintenance and updating well ;(5) Develop the user interaction mechanism ;(6) Enhance the use of link functions and the design of value-added ;(7) Build the "Taiwanese writers portal." |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 96155008 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096155008 |
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