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Title: | 學校組織變革中校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革關係之研究—以台北縣市與基隆市國民中小學為例 |
Authors: | 呂志崗 Lu ,Chi-gan |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 呂志崗 Lu ,Chi-gan |
Keywords: | 學校組織變革 校長領導風格 抗拒變革 |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 11:18:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解與分析學校組織變革、校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革變項間之實際關係,採用問卷調查方式對學校組織變革、校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革進行瞭解。據此,本研究之研究目的有以下:
四、對後續研究的建議:(一)研究對象上,後續研究或可從擴大抽樣範圍著手,以提高研究結果的適用性;(二)研究方法上,後續研究亦可從質化研究的領域著手,對學校組織變革進行實際觀察與瞭解,以歸結教師抗拒變革的成因與內涵,並謀求化解之道。 The study focuses on the relation among school organizational change, principal`s leadership style and teacher`s resistance to change. Purposes of this research are as follow:
I. To realize principals` leadership styles in elementary and junior high schools.
II. To realize how teachers resist change in elementary and junior high schools.
III. To study the relation between principal`s leadership style and teacher`s resistance to change in elementary and junior high schools.
IV. To study how principal leadership styles relate to teacher`s resistance to change.
The inventory of "Questionnaire of the Relation between Principal`s Leadership Style and Teacher`s Resistance to Change" was sent to 760 teachers in elementary and junior high schools in Taipei County, Taipei City and Keelung City and 541 valid questionnaires were returned. Statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation and stepwise regression with forward selection were adapted to data analysis.
Major findings include the following:
I. The relation between teacher`s background and one`s sense of principal transformational leadership are as follow.
A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal`s transformational leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools and their sense to organizational change.
B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
II. The relation between teacher`s background and one`s sense of principal transactional leadership include the following.
A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal`s transactional leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools, and their sense to organizational change.
B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
III. The relation between teacher`s background and one`s acceptance of change
are below.
A. There is difference in terms of school position, elementary and junior high schools and one`s sense of organizational change.
B. There is no difference in terms of sex, age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
IV. The relation among teacher`s sense of principal`s leadership style, teacher`s
sense of organizational change and one`s acceptance of organizational change are
the following.
A. There is difference between teacher`s sense and acceptance of principal`s transformational leadership style.
B. There is difference between teacher`s sense and acceptance of principal`s transactional leadership style.
C. There is difference between teacher`s sense and acceptance of organizational change.
V. There is difference among teacher`s acceptance of principal`s transformational leadership style, principal`s transactional leadership style and one`s sense of organizational change. |
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