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Title: | 學前教育機構主管轉型領導、專業發展與幼兒教育品質關係之研究 The Study of the Relationships among Preschool Educational Institution Managers’ Transformational Leadership, Professional Development and Quality of Child Education |
Authors: | 曹俊德 |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 張奕華
曹俊德 |
Keywords: | 學前教育機構 轉型領導 專業發展 幼兒教育品質 preschool educational institution transformational leadership professional development quality of child education |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 11:17:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討學前教育機構園所長轉型領導、專業發展與幼兒教育品質之現況及其關係,並據以提出結論與建議,期能提供教育行政機關和學前教育機構園所長運用轉型領導以獲得專業成長與提升幼兒教育品質。本研究採取文獻分析、問卷調查法進行研究。首先,蒐集相關文獻作為研究主題的理論基礎,據以擬定研究架構,進而編製「園所長轉型領導、專業發展與幼兒教育品質」問卷作為研究工具。
本研究之問卷調查對象為台灣地區幼托園所主管(包括:公立幼稚園、私立幼稚園、公立托兒所、私立托兒所),抽樣調查直轄市、省轄市、縣轄市及鄉鎮地區園所長1000 位,取得有效樣本630 份,調查結果以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、階層迴歸分析及路徑關係模式等統計方法,進行資料處理分析,獲得以下結論:
三、進行長期縱貫性的研究。 The purpose of this study is to explore on the current condition and its correlation with preschool institution principal’s transformational leadership, professional development and quality of child education. The correlations are explored and concluded to propose sound recommendations to education and administrative institutions and preschool educational institution principals as the guiding tools for institution transformation that could further enhance professionalism and quality of child education. This study conducts explorations via the adoption of scientific literature analysis and questionnaire surveys. The study firstly collects related literatures and uses it as the theoretical basis of the study subject. Accordingly to this theoretical basis, structure of the study is drafted to produce questionnaire, topic with ‘Principal’s Transformational Leadership, Professional Development and Quality of Child Education,’ as instruments of the study.
Targets of the questionnaire are preschool kindergarten managers (public or private kindergarten and public or private childcare center) in Taiwan. 1000 samples of kindergarten or childcare center principals are randomly selected from municipality, provincially managed cities, counties and townships. 630 samples are found valid. Result of the evaluations, after being statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, hierarchical regression analysis and path relationship model, yields following conclusions:
A. In the aspects of preschool educational institution principals’ transformational leadership, ‘respect and trust’ outranks the rest and is followed by the order of ‘aspiration establishment’, ‘charisma impact’, ‘thoughtfulness’, ‘intelligent enlightenment’ and ‘inspirational encouragement.’
B. In the aspects of preschool educational institution principals’ professional developments, ‘possession of professional knowledge about child education’ outranks the rest and is followed by the order of ‘personal professional motive satisfaction’ and ‘persistent lifetime growth.’
C. In the aspects of preschool educational institution’s quality of child education, ‘program and education’ outranks the rest and is followed by the order of ‘facility and security’ and ‘routine affairs and administration.’
D. As population and environment may vary, preschool educational institution managers’ transformational leadership may differ accordingly.
E. As population and environment may vary, preschool educational institution managers’ professional development may differ accordingly.
F. As population and environment may vary, preschool educational institution managers’ quality of child education may differ accordingly.
G. Preschool educational institution managers’ transformational leadership can efficiently predict school principal’s professional development.
H. Preschool educational institution managers’ transformational leadership can efficiently predict a school’s quality of child education.
I. Preschool educational institution managers’ exercise of transformational leadership skill and efforts of enhancing quality of child education can promote school principal’s personal professional development. On a similar note, the enhancement of a schools’ quality of child education relies on the building of the principal’s transformational leadership.
Accordingly to the statements concluded, following recommendations are provided to Taiwanese Child Education Administrative and Supervision Institution and Preschool Educational Institution as the references for kindergarten principals’ transformational leadership, professional development and enhancement of child education quality:
A. Kindergarten principal should apply transformational leadership to enhance one’s professional growth.
B. Persistent educational pursuits to build up kindergarten principals’ leadership skills.
C. Perpetual lifetime plan and establish sound interpersonal relationship.
D. Establish professional organization to promote oneself and acquire external recognition.
E. preschool educational institution should highly value the quality of child education.
F. Education and Administrative Institution must intervene when needed.
G. Build up and implement a complete integral measure to ensure quality of child education.
H. Establish rapid, accurate and objective quality and it compliment return mechanism.
I. Expand the territory of child education studies.
J. child education resources should be equality allocated among municipal or township kindergarten and public or private childcare centers.
According to course of the study, result proposes following recommendations to future study pursuits:
A. Strengthen methods of qualitative research.
B. Modify measurement scale of the study.
C. Conduct long-term longitudinal study. |
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