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    政大機構典藏 > 教育學院 > 教育學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/31674
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    Title: 新竹縣國中學生家庭結構及家長社經地位對其性別角色影響之研究
    Authors: 黃增新
    Hwang,Tzeng Shin-
    Contributors: 林邦傑
    Hwang,Tzeng Shin-
    Keywords: 性別角色影響
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 11:16:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要以新竹縣國中學生為對象,探討「學生家庭結構及家長社經地位與其學生性別角色」之關係。其中包含國中學生性別角色類型分布與性別角色特質發展情形,及「學生家庭結構與家長社經地位」之各變項與「學生性別角色」之相關性。更著墨於「學生家庭結構與家長社經地位」對「學生性別角色」之影響,藉此提出親職教育及學校教育之建議,以供相關單位之參考。

    The subjects of this study are the students from the junior high schools in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The study deals mainly with the mutual relationship among the structures of students’ family , the social and economic status of parents, and the sex-role of the students, including the current sex-role types and the development of sex-role characteristics. It also deals with the relationship between all the different factors in the structures of the students’ family and the social and economic status of their parents, and students’ sex role. The influence of the structure of the students’ family, the social and economic status of their parents and the sex-role of the students are much emphasized in this study. This study leads to the suggestions concerned parental guidance and school education, and provides referential information for educational administration.
    The data in this study are mainly based on questionnaires. And “student sex-role inventory” is used as measurement tool. A separate layer random collection sampling method has been used to draw out 998 valid surveys ( 525 males and 473 females) from the first to the third grade students at thirteen different junior high schools in Hsinchu County. After this a SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science ) was used to run descriptive statistics-- one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and Chi-Square analysis. And the results are as following:
    A. Characteristics of junior high school student sex-roles
    I. As far as grade is concerned, positive male and female characteristics are much related with their age, that is, they become obvious as their age increases.
    II-1. Positive male characteristics:
    (1) The students’ sex and the number of siblings in the development of sex-role have much influence on male characteristics.
    (2) Different sexes of the students and seniority among siblings have much influence on male characteristics.
    (3) Students whose parents have high social and economic status have more male characteristics.
    (4) Different types of the students’ family and social and economic status of their parents have obvious effects on student’s male characteristics.
    (5) The different numbers of siblings and the social and economic status of students’ parents have much influence mutually on male characteristics.
    (6) The seniority of the students in their family and the social and economic status of students’ parents have much influence mutually on male characteristics .

    II-2 On the Positive Female Characteristics
    (1) The interaction between the different numbers of siblings and the social and economic status of students’ parents is quite obvious.
    (2) The interaction between seniority among siblings plays an influential role in students.
    III. As the premise of sex being the prime factors, sibling numbers, seniority of the children, social and economic status of parents and family types have strong influence on the quality of sex-role.
    B.Types of sex-role of Junior High School Students:
    I. The types of sex-role of junior high school students are decided by students’ sex , grade, family types, the number of siblings, and the social and economic status of their parents.
    II.The seniority among siblings do not much affect the sex-role of the students.
    III.The major factors that form the sex-role of the students are sex and grade of the students and social and economic status of their parents. The minor factors are family types and the number of siblings .
    IV. Sex is the main reason for the division of sex-role types. As the grade level of the students getting higher, sex-role types become androgynous. Undifferentiated ratio among different grades is not great.
    V.In respect to sex-role types, both males and females carry tendencies towards their respective sex-role types.

    The suggestions based on the study are raised here to be used for further study in school education and parental guidance.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090911001
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[教育學系] 學位論文

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