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Title: | 幼稚園品質衡量與地區比較研究─以金門縣、台北縣市為例 |
Authors: | 蔡卓銀 |
Contributors: | 徐聯恩 蔡卓銀 |
Keywords: | 幼稚園品質 幼稚園品質衡量 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 11:15:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以幼兒學習環境評量表修訂版(ECERS-R)與幼兒學習環境評量表為研究工具,了解金門縣、台北市與台北縣公立幼稚園之品質現況,並以單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)與薛費法(Scheffe)探討三個地區公立幼稚園品質差異情形,同時進一步分析差異的可能原因。研究對象為42所公立幼稚園,包括金門縣19所、台北市12所與台北縣11所;每所幼稚園選擇一個班級為代表,由填答者進入現場,與園長(主任、組長、資深教師)共同填答問卷,討論與澄清疑義,並進行觀察以對幼稚園現況有更進一步的了解。
最後,研究者根據結論,對幼稚園品質之實務面、未來研究、研究工具、行政機關與政策提出具體建議,以期對未來幼教發展有所貢獻。 The main purpose of this study is to probe into the current quality situation of the public kindergartens in Kinmen Country, Taipei City, and Taipei Country. The research instrument is Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition(ECERS-R) and the kindergarten quality scale .One-Way ANOVA and Scheffe method are then used to understand the difference of quality in these three regions. Moreover, the possible reasons causing the difference are consequently analyzed in this study. 42 public kindergartens are chosen as the research objective while19 ones in Kinmen Country, 12 ones in Taipei City, and 11 ones in Taipei Country. A class is consequently selected as the observation objective, then researcher and the principal fill the questionnaire up collectively, discussing and clarifying the problems.
Ultimately, Pearson Correlation is used to confer the relationship between ECERS-R and the kindergarten quality scale to see if they are related in similar aspects. The conclusions drawn from the study are as follows:
1.The kindergarten quality in Kinmen Country, Taipei City, and Taipei Country is superior.
2.Differences in kindergarten quality exist among these three regions, among them, kindergartens in Taipei City is ranked the best.
3.The scale of kindergarten quality is precise.
4.ECERS-R and the kindergarten quality scale can be used complementarily.
5.ECERS-R and the kindergarten quality scale can be used as the tools to better the quality of kindergartens.
Based on the research results, the researcher proposes some suggestions for future studies, research instrument, administration and policy agents, hoping to contribute to the future children education. |
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