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Title: | 中華民國與沙烏地阿拉伯王國雙邊關係之研究【1991-2002】 |
Authors: | 蘇信維 Su Hsin-Wei |
Contributors: | 李登科 蘇信維 Su Hsin-Wei |
Keywords: | 沙烏地阿拉伯 利雅德 朝覲 中共 中沙經技合作會議 紹德國王 法德國王 Saudi Arabia Riyadh haji P.R.C. King Saud King Fahd |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 10:08:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 1990年7月22日,沙國與中共建交,我國隨即也宣布與之斷交。中、沙兩國的外交關係雖然消失,但雙方的實質關係仍繼續存在。例如在經貿關係方面,沙國是我國在全世界中第16大的貿易夥伴,同時也是在中東地區的第一大貿易夥伴,同時我國進口之原油約有30%以上來自該國。
本文總計五章,共十六節:第一章為緒論,指在闡明本文之研究動機與目的、研究途徑與方法等;第二章為中、沙兩國在斷交前的關係做一扼要說明,內容包括政治、外交、經濟、貿易、教科文與宗教等各層面之交流及其分析,此外也將對中、沙斷交之背景、過程做一深入之探討;第三章則將焦點放在兩國新關係之分析,自新關係談判開始,終於對新架構之評估,以補此方面研究之不足;第四章將針對斷交後的各方面交流與實質關係做一通盤整理,並進行觀察與分析,以期深入了解兩國關係﹔第五章為結論,將本文所探討之內容做一總結,檢討中、沙兩國關係得失,並提出未來展望與建議。 On Jul. 22nd in 1990, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(S.A.) established its diplomatic relations with Mainland China(P.R.C.), meanwhile, Republic of China(R.O.C., Taiwan)also declared to break off that with Saudi Arabia. With the termination of Saudi and Taiwan’s mutual official relations, however, the communication and pragmatic relations between the two parties are still keeping moving on. For example, in terms of economic and trading dimension, Saudi Arabia is the top 16 trading partner in the world as well as the top 1 in Middle-East Area for R.O.C. in 2002, and 30% of Taiwan’s imported crude oil comes from S.A. annually.
Though the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most important countries in Middle East, and she does maintain lots of pragmatic communication with R.O.C., only few domestic scholars or experts take their studies on Saudi and Taiwan’s interaction and/or relationships. In addition to that, S.A. also plays a very important role in international society as well as for Taiwan’s foreign Relations. As a result, I decided to research on such a theme.
There are 16 sections composed to 5 chapters in this thesis: Chapter 1 is an “Introduction”, the motive, and the purpose for the study, as well as the researching approach will be illustrated here; in Chapter 2, we are going to summarize the communication before the termination of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and R.O.C., including politics, diplomacy, economy, trade, education and etc.; Chapter 3 is focused on the two parties’ new framework for mutual relations; in Chapter 4, to clarify in all respects that the development of Saudi and Taiwan’s relations in recent years after the diplomatic relations been severed will be the key point; and in Chapter 5, we take a whole review and make some conclusions for readers’ or even governmental reference. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交研究所 89253034 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089253034 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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