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Title: | 策略與流程觀點下企業併購後資訊與作業整合之個案研究: 以台新大安銀行及中信萬通銀行之合併為例 Managing Strategy and Process of Post-merger Integration of IT and Operations: Case Studies on M&A of Taishin-Dah An and Chinatrust-GCB |
Authors: | 蔡明欽 |
Contributors: | 苑守慈 蔡明欽 |
Keywords: | 台新大安銀行及中信萬通銀行之合併 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:53:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 策略與流程觀點下企業併購後資訊與作業整合之個案研究: 以台新大安銀行及中信萬通銀行之合併為例 Abstract
Managing Strategy and Process of Post-merger Integration of IT and Operations: Case Studies on M&A of Taishin-Dah An and Chinatrust-GCB
Mark Tsai
In view of highly competition in today’ banking market, the need of merger and acquisition has been significantly increasing nowadays in order to sustain and grow through non-organic growth approach. As a result, the success of post-merger integration becomes critical to ensure synergy will be generated after merger and acquisition.
Through field research, this paper attempts to adopt two cases of banks’ integration to prove that clear strategies and a sound framework of managing post-merger integration is essential. There are Taishin International Bank acquired Dah An Bank in 2001 and Chinatrust Commercial Bank acquired Grand Commercial Bank in 2003. Both of these two cases completed integration of banks’ systems and most of operations within six months.
By interviewing with executives of the banks and analyzing primary and secondary data, this paper tries to figure out strategies of the acquiring banks. The banks’ different branch models (i.e. full service or deposit-taking) are addressed. Furthermore, the differences of elapsed time of system migration against size of the banks are in-depth discussed. The KSFs (key success factors) of integration are proposed based on findings. At the same time, propositions are debated by using other cases of M&As in this paper.
In the end, the author intends to provide practical managerial implications based on insight of this research. A diagnostic checklist of managing post-merger integration is proposed. Thereafter, a holistic process of managing operations and system integration is rendered by analyzing specific steps of post-merger integration of those banks.
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Post-merger Integration; Key Success Factors; Information Technology; Core Banking; Data Conversion; Business Process Re-engineering Section 1 Introduction 1
Section 2 Background Information 3
Market of Taiwanese Banking Industry 3
The Financial Reforms of Taiwan 6
Introduction of Acquiring and Acquired Banks 8
Introduction of Taishin International Bank 8
Introduction of Dah An Commercial Bank 10
The Merger of Taishin and Dah An 12
Introduction of Chinatrust Commercial Bank 13
Introduction of Grand Commercial Bank 15
The Merger of Chinatrust and GCB 16
Section 3 Literature Review 17
Post-merger Integration 17
Key Success Factors of Post-merger Integration 19
Section 4 Research Methodology 26
Research Motivation 26
Primary and Secondary Data Sources 27
Conceptual Framework 29
Section 5 Analysis 31
Key Business Strategies of Taishin and Chinatrust 31
Integration Organization and HR Issues 40
IT and Operations Integration 50
Selection of Branch Operations Model 50
Trend of IT and Related Issues of IT Integration 62
Process of IT and Operations Integration 71
Key Success Factors of IT and Operations Integration 79
Post-Merger Performance 95
M&A Results of Taishin-Dah An 95
M&A Results of Chinatrust-GCB 98
Propositions 101
Section 6 Conclusion and Recommendation 111
Conclusion 111
Recommendation 115
Discussion 117
Bibliography 119
Figure 2.1 Trend of Interest Rate 3
Figure 5.1 A Strategic Map of an Acquiring Bank 32 43 47
Figure 5.2.1 A Chart of Integration Organization
Figure 5.2.2 Post-merger Stock Price
- vi -
- vii -
Figure 4.1 Conceptual Framework of Analyzing Case Studies 29
Figure An Evolution of Branch Operation Model 55
Figure Net Income before Tax after Branch Re-engineering 56
Figure Organization Chart of Dah An Commercial Bank 59
Figure Organization Chart of Grand Commercial Bank 59
Figure Unit Cost of Transaction Taken at Different Channels 62
Figure An Overview of Systems of a Typical Commercial Bank 65
Figure Boston Box 74
Figure An Action Plan Based on Result of Gap Analysis 76
Figure 5.5.1 Survey Result of the Questionnaire 103 104 106
Figure 5.5.2 Selection of systems
Figure 5.5.3 Evolutionary Stages of IT Integration for Banks
Figure 6.1.1 Factors of Driving Success of M&A Synergy and Achieve Acquiring Bank’s Goals 112
Figure 6.1.2 Relations Diagram – Integration of IT and Operations Towards M&A Synergy 113
- ix -
Overall Taiwanese Banks’ Profit 3
Non-Performing Loan (NPL) Ratio Statistics 5
Number of Financial Institutions in Taiwan 5
Financial Size of Taishin before M&A 9
Efficiency Ratio of Taishin before M&A 9
Condensed Income Statement of Taishin before M&A 10
Financial Size and Relevant Data of Dah An before M&A 11
Condensed Income Statement of Dah An before M&A 12
Financial Size of Chinatrust before M&A 14
Condensed Income Statement of Chinatrust before M&A 14
Financial Size of GCB before M&A 15
Condensed Income Statement of GCB before M&A 15
Table Credit Card Issued by the Top 3 in Taiwan 50
Table Chinatrust’s Revenue Breakdown by Business 51
Table Different Nature of Branch at Corporate and Consumer Focus Bank 52
Table Accountability of Full-Service Branch Manager 53
Table A Comparison of Operations Productivity 58
Table Combined Staffing Projection 61
Table Comparison of TABS and NT system 66
Table Comparison of Legacy and New Core Banking System 68
Table Milestones of System Migration of four M&A cases 83
Table Size of Bank of Cathay, UWCCB, Fubon and Taipei at the time of M&As 84
Table Size of Bank of Taishin, Dah An, Chintrust and GCB at the time of M&As 84
Table Milestones of Post-merger IT integration of Taishin 88
Table Condensed Income Statement of Taishin after M&A 97
Table Number of Employees of Taishin Bank 98
Table Asset and Equity of Taishin Bank after merger 98
Table Condensed Income Statement of Chinatrust after M&A 99
Rating for Objective and Priority of IT Integration 102
Size of Bank of Taiwan Cooperative Bank and Farmers Bank of China at the time of M&As 109
Correlation between Relative Size and Elapse Time of System Migration 110
Diagnostic Checklist to Predict Prospect of Post-merger Integration 115
- viii -
Figure 6.1.3 Correlation between Relative Size and Elapse
Time of System Migration 114
Figure 6.2.2 Post-Merger Integration Process of IT and
Operations 116 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理碩士班(IMBA) 92933020 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0929330201 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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