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Title: | 產業結構-行為-績效之研究∼ 以台灣管理顧問產業為例 A Study on Taiwan`s Management Consulting Industry ~ An Application of the Structure-Conduct-Performance Analysis |
Authors: | 張惠雯 Hui-Wen Chang |
Contributors: | 樓永堅 Yung-Chien Lou 張惠雯 Hui-Wen Chang |
Keywords: | 管理顧問 產業分析 結構 行為 績效 Management consulting industry Management consultancy Consultation services Structure-Conduct-Performance |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:44:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | A Study On Taiwan’s Management Consulting Industry ~ An Application Of The Structure-Conduct-Performance Analysis
Student: Hui-Wen Chang Advisor: Dr. Yung-Chien Lou
Among the service industries, management consultancy is the most prominent due to its importance for the prosperity and competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, the motivation of carrying out this study is to explore ways to facilitate the successful development of management consulting industry and ultimately revive Taiwan’s economy.
The focus of this study is concentrated on the characteristics of Taiwan’s management consulting industry by understanding its evolvement path, current condition, composition of five competitive forces, and its organization economic model to discover the industry’s structure, behavior pattern of participants and overall performance.
This study also aims at identifying fundamental causes of the industry’s long-lasting problems and factors that hinder the implementation of the most frequently proposed recommendations in the past two decades.
Through the application of S-C-P paradigm and the feedback from industry experts, this study concludes that the most frequently raised pressing issues of Taiwan’s management consulting industry are actually symptoms of the industry’s unique structure with 88% of industry participants employed fewer than 10 people (i.e. the cause), which reflects the influence of the industry’s low entry barrier, as well as the nature of management consultation knowledge, mindset of consultants and clients’ behavior.
And pertaining to factors hindering the implementations of most frequently proposed recommendations in the past 20 years, this study comes to the conclusion that lacking of legislation, characteristics of management consultation services, mindset of industry participants, and clients’ true needs are major issues adding difficulties to the execution of various recommendations proposed. Last but not least, this study also proposes several criteria to enhance the effectiveness of recommendations proposed by previous studies. TABLE OF CONTENT
1.1 Research Motivation 2
1.2 Research Objectives 2
1.3 Scope 3
1.4 Methodology 4
1.5 Conceptual Structure 7
1.6 Limitations 10
2.1 Definition of Management Consulting Industry 14
2.1.1 Definition of Management Consultancy 14
2.1.2 Scope of Taiwan`s Management Consulting Industry 16
2.2 Previous Researches 18
2.3 Summary 26
Reference of Chapter II 28
3.1 The Structure-Conduct-Performance (S-C-P) Paradigm 32
3.2 Porter`s “Five Forces of Competition” model 35
Reference of Chapter III 39
4.1 History ~ Background and Development 42
4.1.1 1950 ~ 1989 42
4.1.2 1990 ~ 2000 45
4.2 Current Condition 49
4.2.1 Developments in 2001 49
4.2.2 Developments in 2002 51
4.2.3 Outlook for 2003 56
4.3 The Management Consultant`s Services 58
4.3.1 Specific Consulting Activities 58
4.3.2 Trend of major management consulting activities provided 59
4.4 Types of Participants 66
Reference of Chapter IV 71
5.1 Structure-Conduct-Performance Analysis of Taiwan`s Management Consulting industry 78
5.1.1 Structure of Taiwan`s management consulting industry 80
5.1.2 Conduct of Taiwan`s Management Consulting Industry 84
5.1.3 Performance of Taiwan`s Management Consulting Industry 88
5.1.4 Summary. 94
5.2 Five Forces Analysis of Taiwan`s Management Consulting Industry 97
5.2.1 Threats of New Entrants 97
5.2.2 Competition Among Existing Industry Players 99
5.2.3 Pressure From Substitutes 101
5.2.4 The Bargaining Power Of Suppliers 103
5.2.5 The Bargaining Power Of 104
5.2.6 Summary 107
5.3 Cross Analysis 108
Reference of Chapter V 110
6.1 Causes of long-existed pressing issues 114
6.2 Factors hindering the implementation of recommendations 125
6.3 Summary 131
Reference of Chapter VI 133
7.1 Summary of Research Findings 136
7.1.1 Recent Condition & Outlook for 2003 136
7.1.2 Structure-Conduct-Performance Analysis 137
7.1.3 Five Forces Analysis 139
7.1.4 Analysis of Problems and Recommendations Proposed 139
7.2 Conclusions 143
7.3 Suggestions 144
7.4 Suggested further studies 150
Appendix: PowerPoint of this study 153 |
Reference: | Reference of Chapter II 1. SIC Description for 8742, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, <http://www.osha.gov/cgi-bin/sic/sicser2?sic=8742> 2. Codes, Standard Industrial Classification Codes, pp 41, 52-53 <http://www.deq.state.or.us/wmc/documents/hwrpt39-74.pdf> nec: not else where classified. 3. Management Consultancies Association (UK), <http://www.mca.org.uk/html/whatman.html> 4. By Laws: Article II (Definition of Professional Field), Section 1 (Consulting to Management), Association of Management Consulting Firms, <http://www.amcf.org/memBylaws.html> 5. Original text: “凡從事提供企業管理、諮詢及有關問題研討之行業均屬之”, National Statistics,Standard Industrial Classification System of ROC, 7th revision, January 2001, <http://www.stat.gov.tw/bs1/english/indu90.htm> 6. 吳道揆 (D.K. Woo), 我國管理顧問機構服務功能之研究, 國立政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文, June 1978 7. 沈群英 (C.I. Sheng), 受輔導客戶配合度與管理顧問輔導績效關係之研究,台灣工業技術學院工程技術研究所碩士論文, June 1985 8. 張文昌 (W.C. 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Information collected from each organization’s official website ~ http://www.nasme.org.tw, http://www.cnfi.org.tw/cnfi/eng/index.html, http://www.roccoc.org.tw/, and http://www.shoenet.org.tw/english/tfri/about_tfri_e.asp 14. 林相君, “管理顧問業,” from Taiwan Institute of Economic Research’s database site ,16 January 2003 Reference of Chapter VI 1. Experts interviewed – |
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Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090933006 |
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