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Title: | 台灣核能保險保費估計模式之建立 |
Authors: | 薛人銓 |
Contributors: | 蔡政憲 薛人銓 |
Keywords: | 核能保險 損失機率 損失幅度 nuclear energy insurance loss frequency loss severity |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:40:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文之目的在於瞭解現行核能保險之保單內容,歸納出核能事件發生後的各項損失,以建立一套台灣核能保險保費之估計模式。
該模式的建立包含以下步驟:首先,針對核能事件所造成的各項人身、財產、責任損失進行分類;其次,建立個別損失金額之評估公式。第三,對於核能電廠發生損失的機率與幅度分別進行探討。在損失機率方面,配合台灣核能電廠過去的損失經驗以及核研所之PRA(probabilistic risk assessment)模型,對於各級核能事件之發生機率進行假設。在損失幅度方面,估計各項損失項目之最大損失金額,配合各級核能事件下各項損失項目之損害比例,對於各級核能事件之損失幅度進行假設。最後,各級核能事件損失機率與損失幅度乘積之總和,即代表核能保險之危險保費;此外,加上附加費用後,即可求得適當的保費金額。
核能保險雖然是迅速且容易取得之財務補償工具,但所費不貲。整體而言,核能發電具有成本低、污染少等優點,若核能電廠能確保其安全性,並於損失發生後有足夠的財務保證,則可使核能發電的效益充分發揮。 The aim of this article attempts to know the content of the nuclear energy insurance policy, to induce all kinds of losses after the nuclear events, and to establish an assessment model for the premium of the nuclear energy insurance in Taiwan.
This model consists of the following steps: First, various kinds of personal, property, and liability losses which occurred after nuclear events are classified into different categories. Secondly, assessment formula for the loss amount is established. Third, loss frequency and loss severity for the damage of nuclear power plants are studied separately. Lastly, the result of multiplying “loss frequency” by “loss severity” stands for the risk premium for the nuclear energy insurance. Also, adding together the above results and the loading expense, the appropriate premium amount can be figured out.
On the whole, utilizing nuclear energy for producing electric power possesses the advantage of being low costs and less pollution. If the nuclear power plants can ensure its safety as fully as possible, and provide adequate financial guarantees as damages occur, people will greatly benefit from the efficiency of nuclear power. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 風險管理與保險研究所 94358001 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094358001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文
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