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Title: | 企業電子化成熟度階段之研究 The Study of E-business Stage |
Authors: | 曹書銘 Tsaur, Shu-Ming |
Contributors: | 林我聰 Lin, Woo-Tsong 曹書銘 Tsaur, Shu-Ming |
Keywords: | 企業電子化 階段 網際網路 個案研究 問卷調查 e-business stage Internet Case study Survey |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:15:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在電子商務時代中,企業能夠迅速反應市場需求,從訂單、生產到最後之運送皆採用電子化(e化)技術,使能迅速的生產與交貨,已成為競爭之必要利器。企業電子化(企業e化)之應用已陸續在國內外如火如荼推展,電子化無疑是各種組織當前最重要的課題之一,隨著網際網路商業化環境的逐漸成形,組織多了一項可以提昇內部營運效率,降低成本並增加競爭優勢的有力工具,也因此產生了全新的企業經營模式,並為企業帶來極大的商機,企業經營模式面臨了劇烈的變動。
對於企業電子化,目前所有企業皆在摸索之階段,再加上網際網路應用一切皆在萌芽之中,網路技術更新速度非常快,資訊太多又太分散,沒有一套可遵循的架構。本研究主要目的是希望透過文獻探討、廠商資料分析、產業實務個案訪談與問卷調查等方法提出一個企業電子化之架構與歷程,對於了解組織電子化成長過程的整體變化方向有相當的助益,並可提供企業未來營運策略和統籌規劃方向的參考,也讓企業了解其在推動企業電子化階段進展中每個階段所應進行之階段任務。藉由六個階段模式之建立,我們可以很清楚的了解企業電子化發展的階段,分為起始期、被迫期、接受期、整合期、加速電子化期與全面電子化期;其階段歷程有著演化、技術、觀念與能力提升的概念。 Industries can response swiftly to market demand in the e-commence age. Using e-business technology to manage orders, production, and delivery enables quick and accuracy productions and deliveries. No wonder that the e-business has become a powerful weapon in the struggle to gain market share. The applications of e-business for local and abroad enterprises have been advocated for a while. The rapid development of Internet not only has provided firms with great growth opportunities, but also brought about drastic structural changes in business model. As enterprises become globalized and Internet connected, new and better architecture is needed to meet the requirements of enterprises. In this paper, we develop the model on e-business stage by literature review and case study. This stage model will help institutes to give impetus to adoption of e-business. The research results show the current situation about e-business of the cases and will be provide a reference for future research. We believe the proposed model would properly be used for enterprise to improve competitive advantage and to adopt effective measures to improve their business.
Refer to the empirical study, we want to design questionnaires and send to the enterprise. Next through the multivariate statistic methods, we will propose some meaningful conclusion and draw some suggestions and implications for the academic research and firms. |
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