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Title: | 以下一代電信業營運系統軟體標準為核心以促成企業流程管理之電子化服務架構 NGOSS-Centric Framework of Telecommunication e-Services Enabling Business Process Management |
Authors: | 周棟祥 Chou,Tung-Hsiang |
Contributors: | 諶家蘭 林我聰 Seng,Jia-Lang Lin,Woo-Tsong 周棟祥 Chou,Tung-Hsiang |
Keywords: | 下一代營運系統軟體 商業流程管理 企業應用系統整合 服務導向架構 電子化服務 企業服務匯流排 電子商務 共同合作模式 Next Generation Operations Systems and Software Business Process Management Enterprise Application Integration Service-Oriented Architecture Electronic Services Enterprise Service Bus Electronic Commerce Collaboration Model |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:13:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網際網路的發展,使得現實生活中隨處可見全球資訊網的應用,也因此改革了原有商業經營的面貌,尤其在電信產業中,許多企業開始將實體的商店模式,帶到虛擬的網際網路中,使得網際網路上的電子商務發展隨之增高,並帶給企業史無前例的經濟發展機會。起初電子商務的發展焦點在於客戶與企業的互動關係,漸漸的延伸到企業對企業的相互支援,而商業流程管理與服務導向架構的崛起,也使得電子商務的發展焦點轉移至發展整合商業流程的電子化服務議題上,更希望藉此提供給客戶更多元化、有用的功能服務。
在本論文中,我們將展示一個新的研究架構、共同合作模式及共同合作層級來闡述此研究,並利用三個實例來說明與驗證此架構之可行性,且把焦點放在如何以新一代營運系統軟體標準為基礎來發展國際性電信公司所關心的敏捷性電子化服務之研究。 The Internet’s widespread popularity and the ubiquity of the World Wide Web have revolutionized the face of business, especially in the telecommunication industry. Many enterprises have moved their place of business from the physical store to the virtual store on the Internet. Therefore, electronic commerce (e-commerce) has sprung up in this era and has provided enterprises of all sizes with unprecedented opportunities for economic growth. Initially, electronic commerce focused only on business-to-customer web interaction and on business-to-business web interaction. With the emergence of business process management and of service-oriented architecture, the focus has shifted to the development of electronic services (e-services) that integrate business processes and that diversify functionalities available to customers.
The potential of electronic commerce and its information technology also has attracted some telecommunication corporations—for example, Chunghwa Telecom, Singtel Telecom, and AT&T. They have built their electronic commerce environment on the Internet, too. Most of these worldwide telecom corporations have many kinds of operations support systems (OSSs) in the backend environment. Hence, TeleManagement Forum (TMF) has started to consider the next generation of OSS which is called the New Generation Operations Systems and Software (NGOSS). There are also many vendors or research centers that consider how to provide the NGOSS-centric service to the users and to integrate the business process based on service-oriented architecture.
Initially, enterprises had to manually integrate services so that they could work together. However, this integration required considerable time and cost, and it worked only for the specific services that were manually linked. Adding additional services required even more effort. And then, enterprise application integration (EAI) solved these kinds of problems by working via point-to-point interfaces. As enterprises use more applications to provide additional services, the amount of integration that various tasks require to have mushroomed and the system has become hard to maintain.
In order to increase the performance of EAI, some enterprises have developed the concept of business process management and service-oriented architecture. The chief objective is to implement relevant process-centric services. Business process management and service-oriented architecture enable flexible connectivity and communication among applications by representing each as e-services that let applications communicate readily with one another.
In order to effectively strengthen business process management’s and service-oriented architecture’s benefits, we use an enterprise service bus (ESB) that, by functioning as middleware glue, holds process-centric services together and allows for communication between enterprise applications.
In this thesis, we present a research framework, a collaboration model, and a collaboration layers to describe the method. Then, we use several illustrations to explain the generality of our method, and we focus on how international telecom corporations have become to concern with the agility, the leanness, and the integration underlying e-services integration based on NGOSS. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 93356507 96 |
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Data Type: | thesis |
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