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Title: | 校園教學軟體供應模式之研究 Educational Software Provision Model in Campus |
Authors: | 郭俊男 Kuo,C.N. |
Contributors: | 周宣光 郭俊男 Kuo,C.N. |
Keywords: | 校園教學軟體 經營模式 Campus Education Software Business Model |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:09:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 長久以來,校園教學軟體一直是軟體廠商所關注的市場。對學校而言,每年經費相當有限,無法購足所有欲使用的軟體,故學校往往必須付出不小的成本,才能取得所需的軟體;另一方面,對軟體供應商而言,該如何與學校訂定適宜的授權費用,亦是重要課題之一。
因此,本論文欲建立一種雙贏的商業模式,用以解決軟體供應商與學校市場間,無法對稱的供需關係,以推導出一個新的校園教學軟體供應模式。一方面,使學校內的使用者能以較低的成本取得教學上需使用的各式軟體;另一方面,軟體供應商亦能收取合理的授權費用,並保障其軟體被合法地使用。故本論文將尋找出一個以往所沒有的經營模式,以建立一個嶄新的商業模式。 The software vendors pay close attention to campus software all the time. In one side, to the education institutions, they don’t have enough budgets to purchase all the software they want to make good use of. In the other side, the software vendors, it’s an important subject about how to negotiate with the education institutions and gather the proper expenses of authorization.
Therefore, the objective of the thesis is to implement a new business model in order to improve the asymmetric relation of supply and demand between the education institutions and the software vendors. There are some advantages in the new business model of this thesis. In one side, the education institutions can take use of all the software they want to make good use of. In the other side, the software vendors can gather the proper expenses of authorization and don’t worry about the unfair use of their software. So the thesis will implement an unprecedented and new business model. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 89932104 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089932104 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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