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Title: | 應用資料採礦技術於保險公司附加保單之增售 |
Authors: | 李家旭 |
Contributors: | 鄭宇庭 李家旭 |
Keywords: | 資料採礦 分類迴歸樹 類神經網路 附加保單 C5.0 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 |
Abstract: | 摘 要
三、保險公司可依照關聯規則結果產生出的8條關聯規則,針對舊有客戶進行保險商品再推銷策略。 Abstract
The main purpose of this research is to apply data mining techniques, namely decision tree, neural network, and association on insurance company’s database in modeling the behaviors of customers who bought the policies. Data source is provided by the insurance company in Taiwan.
1、There are 3 type of main insurance policies:death insurance、endowment insurance、health insurance. Insurance buyers behave differently based upon the type of insurance they have. Death insurance buyers are in for the sole purpose of being insured. Endowment insurance buyers are in for the purpose of savings. Health insurance buyers usually buy the policies as the add-on products, However as consumers in a recent trend have become more health conscious, the health insurance that used to be as consumers in a recent trend have become more health conscious, the health insurance that used to be bought as the add-on products have become the main drive and being sold as main policy for the insurance company.
2、With the above information at hand, we use CART model to predict whether the death and endowment insurance buyers will have any potential in getting the add-on policies thereby opening the window of opportunities for the insurance issuers to come up and be able to promote the new line of products to their existing customers based on the research findings.
3、The insurance company can re-promote their insurance merchandises to old customers according to the 8 rules constructed by the association rules. |
Reference: | 參考文獻 中文部分 StatSoft公司,http://www.statsoft.com.tw/index.htm SPSS公司,http://www.sinter.com.tw/SPSS/index.html 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會,http://www.lia-roc.org.tw/ 財政部保險司,http://www.insurance.gov.tw/ 麥可.裴瑞(Michael J. A. Berry)、戈登.林諾夫(Gordon S. Linoff)著(民90)。資料採礦-顧客關係管理暨電子行銷之應用(Data Mining Techniques:for marketing, sales, and customer support)(彭文正譯)。台北:維科圖書有限公司。 麥可.裴瑞(Michael J. A. Berry)、戈登.林諾夫(Gordon S. Linoff)著(民90)。資料採礦的理論與實務-顧客關係管理的技巧與科學(Mastering Data Mining:The Art & Science of Customer Relationship Management)(吳旭志、賴淑貞譯)。台北:維科圖書有限公司。 張維哲(民81),人工神經網路,全欣資訊圖書。 葉怡成(民82),類神經網路模式應用與實作,儒林圖書。 賴信良(民91),資料挖掘在教育上的應用-以國小學童「體適能測驗」為例,國立台北師範學院數理教育研究所碩士論文。 劉宜妝(民91),資料採礦之應用研究—台灣地區漁市場行情資料庫之關聯法則分析,國立中興大學行銷學系碩士論文。 劉家銘(民90),利用負相關線上挖掘關聯式規則,國立中興大學資訊科學研究所碩士論文。 鄭忠樑(民91),運用分類樹於股價報酬率預測之研究,元智大學資訊管理研究所碩士論文。 英文部分 Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T., & Swami, A.N. (1993), Mining Associations between Sets of Items in Massive Databases. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Management of Data., 207-216. Breiman, L. Friedman, J.H., Olshen, R. A., & Stone, C. J. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. California:Wadsworth, Pacific Grove. Dunham, M. H. (2003), Data Mining:Introductory and Advanced Topics. New Jersey:Pearson Education Inc. Fayyad, U.M., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G.., Smyth P., & Uthurusamy, R. (1996), From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery:An Overview. AAAI/MIT Press. Freund, Y., & Schapire, R.E. (1996), “Experiments with a New Boosting Algorithm”. Machine Learning:Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference. Smith, M. (1993), Neural Networks for Statistical Modeling. New York:Van Norstrand Reinhold. Terano, T., Liu, H., & Chen, A.L.P. (2000), Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: Current Issues and New Applications. Germany:Springer. Witten, I. H. & Frank, E. (2000), Data Mining:Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations. San Francisco:Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Zhang, C., Zhang, S., Zhang, S.,& Heymer, B.E. (2002), Association rule mining:models and algorithms. New York:Springer. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 統計研究所 90354007 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090354007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [統計學系] 學位論文
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