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Title: | 應用6 Sigma 導入EuP 綠色專案之個案研究 Six Sigma Management for EuP Green Program - A Case Study |
Authors: | 許瑞鵬 Hsu, Juey Peng |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 Wen, Chao Tung 許瑞鵬 Hsu, Juey Peng |
Keywords: | 限用有害物質指令 耗能使用產品指令 生態設計 國際標準組織 六標準差專案管理 RoHS EuP Eco Design ISO 6 Sigma Management |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:56:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 今 (2008) 年,全球規模排名前三大的電腦展,從1月開始美國拉斯維加斯的CES展、3月的德國漢諾威的CeBiT展,到6月在台北的Computex展,數千家之參展廠商,數十萬之買主與參觀人士,不約而同,大家的主訴求都是「綠色」與「節能」。向來,三大電腦展都是未來產品的風向球,加上從美國前副總統高爾的紀錄片「不願面對的真相」看到地球暖化現象日益嚴重,石油價格也不斷再創歷史新高,的確讓人感到這個世界將變得更為綠色,當人們愈來愈重視自己居住的這個環境與資源,也宣告「綠色產品、綠色消費」的時代正式來臨。
上述WEEE 及RoHS兩項已於2006 年7月1日後,正式對輸出到歐盟各國的產品中全面實施管制,而日本、韓國、中國等國及美國(部分州)等,亦在2007年初立法通過並已實施,此股全球化之綠潮,已是勢不可擋;第三項的EuP (Energe using Product)「耗能使用產品之生態化設計指令」,歐盟各國已大多立法制定完成,部分國家還一併通過違規罰則,預計在2009年第一季起開始啟用,屆時勢必又將再度啟動第三回合的環保大挑戰。
本研究乃透過個案公司於過去三、四年中,利用 6 Sigma 的DMAIC循環改善手法,搭配ISO 9000/14000品質/環境管理系統以有效整合,組成專案團隊運作,成功導入6 Sigma WEEE / RoHS等專案,且比2006年7月1日的法定實施期限日,提早一季的時間完成歐盟WEEE及RoHS所有綠色產品之設計,並在符合法定時程/品質要求/客戶滿意等情況下順利出貨。
爰此,以綠色設計為整體考量因素,建置成一套標準化的流程機制,應用到EuP新環保規範中,進行產品節能、生命週期等多項評估,提升生態化設計能力。EuP雖與RoHS/WEEE的指令訴求內容互異,但本著6 Sigma RoHS過去分析及改善等手法,藉由嫻熟運作之科學管理模式,來縮短研發時程;目標為:提早一季時間完成產品設計,且品質符合環保規範驗證之出貨準備;期間雖會遭遇諸多問題與困難,但以6 Sigma經驗豐富之優秀成員組成的團隊,將採絕佳默契、合作無間的精神,順利於今年底達成任務,也為個案公司大幅提升環保戰力之全球競爭優勢。
關鍵字:限用有害物質指令、耗能使用產品指令、生態設計、國際標準組織、六標準差專案管理。 In the world’s top three exhibitions of the electronic industry this year - namely CES of Las Vegas in January, CeBIT of Hanover in March, and Computex of Taipei in June, the main theme is the same: Green Technology and Energy Saving Products. Mr. Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ has unfolded future disasters caused by global warming, together with recent oil price hikes over US$140 a barrel, all these environmental and energy crisis have hastily ushered in the ‘Green Product Epoch.’
The European Union led the wave of Green Products by issuing the WEEE (Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment) directives in August 2005 which aimed at reducing E/E waste disposal through reuse, recycle and recovery, followed by the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substance) directives enforced on July 1, 2007. EuP (Energy using Product) is the latest set of directives which will be implemented in 2009. Since more environmental impacts relate to product design, the green product ecological design incorporating environmental factors is most effective method.
These regulations will greatly affect members of global E.E product supply. Taiwan had a big trade count with EU in the past time, so it will be caused more impacted as well. Therefore, many countries have regulated new national standards, many Taiwanese firms are making great efforts on the issues of Eco Design for energy saving to meet the trend on environment protection as earlier as possible and to provide operational producers for the business toward green global supply chain.
For enterprises to implement environmental management system and to establish green product design and production by ISO9000 / ISO 14000 systems, and there are many procedures, validation and testing need to by 6 Sigma DMAIC improvement methodology. This case study proposes a model to include the RoHS green product into quality system successfully in 2 years ago, next case is provided to verify the model and justify how a firm can efficiently use the proposed model and empirical experience to meet product certification requirement into the system.
The findings of this research can support other enterprises to implement appropriate model to integrate green product with framework of ISO9000/14000 quality/environment management system by 6 Sigma process. This is also suitable for a firm to upgrade its management system to meet various green requirements as WEEE, RoHS and EuP.
The study is still enphasised many Taiwan manufacturers are tempted by the success of 6 Sigma in the western world and are now in the process of introducing 6 Sigma into their organizations. The push to further reduce costs has urged the firms to use 6 Sigma to regain their competitive positions in the global economy.
Keywords: RoHS, EuP, Eco Design, ISO, 6 Sigma Managment 摘要 .................................................... I
Abstract .............................................. III
謝辭 ..................................................... V
目錄 .................................................... VI
圖目錄 .................................................. IX
表目錄 .................................................. XI
第1章 緒論 ............................................... 1
1.1 研究背景 ............................................. 1
1.2 研究動機 ............................................. 4
1.3 研究目的 ............................................. 5
1.4 研究問題 ............................................. 6 1.5 研究範圍 ............................................. 6 1.5 研究流程 ............................................. 7
第2章 文獻探討 ........................................... 10
2.1 歐盟WEEE/RoHS/EuP三大環保指令相關文獻 .................. 11
2.1.1 歐盟三大環保指令之關聯性 ............................. 11
2.1.2 全球及歐盟重要環保指令 .............................. 12
2.1.3 歐盟法律類型概述 .................................... 15
2.1.4 全球資訊電子大廠自訂之環保規範 ....................... 16
2.1.5 廢電機及電子設備指令(WEEE) .......................... 17
2.1.6 限用有害物質指令(RoHS) .............................. 19
2.1.7 耗能使用產品指令(EuP) ............................... 21
2.2 ISO品質與環境管理系統 ................................. 31
2.2.1 ISO9000品質管理系統概述 ............................. 31
2.2.2 ISO14000環境管理系統概述 ............................ 31
2.2.3 ISO9000與14000之系統整合 ........................... 32
2.3 6 Sigma(6σ)-(六標準差)之相關文獻 ...................... 33
2.3.1 簡介6 Sigma發展沿革 ................................ 33
2.3.2 推行6 Sigma之成員架構 .............................. 34
2.3.3 6 Sigma DMAIC五段循環運作模式 ....................... 35
2.3.4 專案管理之定義與準則 ................................ 37
2.3.5 6 Sigma專案管理之前置企業環境規劃 .................... 38
2.3.6 6 Sigma選擇專案之依據 .............................. 39
2.3.7 企業導入6 Sigma專案管理之考量重點 .................... 40
2.3.8 6 Sigma專案管理與ISO管理系統之整合 ................... 41
2.3.9 6 Sigma專案管理構面展開 ............................. 43
2.3.10 推動6Sigma RoHS專案之關鍵成功因素 ...................44第3章 研究方法 ........................................... 47
3.1 個案研究法之特性與類型 ................................ 47
3.2 資料收集方式 ......................................... 49
第4章 6 Sigma RoHS綠色專案之個案研究 ...................... 50
4.1 全球筆記型電腦產業發展趨勢 ............................. 50
4.2 我國筆記型電腦產業現況分析 ............................. 52
4.3 個案公司概況 ......................................... 54
4.4 個案公司推動ISO9000/14000品質環境系統概況 .............. 56
4.5 個案公司推動6 Sigma專案概況 ........................... 57
4.6 個案公司推動6 Sigma專案歷程 ........................... 60
4.6.1 定義6 Sigma RoHS綠色專案 ........................... 64
4.6.2 量測6 Sigma RoHS綠色專案 ........................... 66
4.6.3 分析6 Sigma RoHS綠色專案 ........................... 67
4.6.4 改善6 Sigma RoHS綠色專案 ........................... 67
4.6.5 控管6 Sigma RoHS綠色專案 ........................... 69
4.7 個案公司推動6 Sigma RoHS綠色專案達成之目標 ............. 71
4.8 個案公司推動6 Sigma專案之獎勵制度 ...................... 72
4.9 個案公司建立6 Sigma專案之學習型組織 .................... 73
4.10 個案公司推行6 Sigma專案失敗紀錄與RoHS專案之困難 ........ 75
4.11 個案公司加強6 Sigma專案管理之內化效益 ................. 76
4.12 個案公司提昇6 Sigma專案管理為前瞻性創新平台 ............ 77
第5章 6 Sigma RoHS綠色專案之個案研究 ....................... 78
5.1 EuP與WEEE/RoHS綠色規範之比較 .......................... 78
5.2 個案公司導入6 Sigma EuP綠色專案進程 .................... 79
5.2.1 定義6 Sigma EuP綠色專案 ............................ 80
5.2.2 量測6 Sigma EuP綠色專案 ............................ 84
5.2.3 分析6 Sigma EuP綠色專案 ............................ 86
5.2.4 改善6 Sigma EuP綠色專案 ............................ 87
5.2.5 控管6 Sigma EuP綠色專案 ............................ 88
5.3 EuP 綠色專案之教育訓練 ................................ 89
第6章 結論與建議 .......................................... 93
6.1 結論 ................................................ 93
6.2 研究限制 ............................................. 98
6.3 後續研究之建議 ....................................... 98參考文獻 ................................................ 100 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 95932094 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0959320941 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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