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Title: | 整合醫療政策與門診病患滿意度之研究-以澎湖離島兩家公立醫院整合為例 A Study on the integrated medical policy and patient’s satisfaction: A Case study of two public hospitals in the Penghu Islands |
Authors: | 陳鴻運 Chen, Hong Yun |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 Wen, Chao Tung 陳鴻運 Chen, Hong Yun |
Keywords: | 醫療整合政策 醫療品質 病人滿意度 integrated medical policy hospital performance patient’s satisfaction |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:56:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要在探討離島兩家公立醫院,在政府醫療整合政策下合併是否真能妥善利用當地有限資源並提升當地之醫療品質與醫療滿意度。本研究以澎湖醫療大樓落成啟用引進三軍總醫院及署立澎湖醫院醫事人力作為時間點,蒐集整理醫院經營管理資料,比較醫療大樓使用前後,醫療資源利用情形,對於民眾關切之四項議題:(一)醫療整合政策與提升當地醫療品質的關係。(二)醫療整合政策與成本效益的關係。(三)醫療整合政策與組織管理的關係。(四)醫療整合政策與民眾滿意度的關係之探討,採以質性田野調查方式作深入剖析與辯證,另對醫療品質滿意度觀察部分,則以門診就醫病患為調查對象,與質性調查結果作交叉驗證,分析探討整體社會對醫療服務品質滿意度之觀感。試圖從不同層面與角度來詮釋、剖析醫療整合政策與民眾對醫療服務品質滿意度間有無存在背後深層的意義及潛在的社會意涵。<br>本研究發現(一)政府的整合醫療政策,目的是將離島有限的資源作有效的運用,在方向上是正確的。,醫療大樓要做到何種規模須視其未來的定位與所開的床位數而定,若要求持續提供一定品質的醫療服務,政府常態性的預算補助是必要的。(二)假日緊急醫療需求無法在地圓滿解決,是澎湖地區長期以來醫療服務主要的缺口,兩院整合後目前仍未能解決該問題,是造成澎湖整體社會對醫療品質觀感不若預其的原因。(三)病患與醫療專業人員對醫療品質的認知是有差距的,這代表醫、病雙方所能掌握的醫療品質資訊是不對稱的,病患不瞭解醫界對醫療品質的評核標準,只能用直接的感受來體驗,是造成雙方在衡量醫療服務品質時出現落差的原因。(四)在組織重整過程中,「同工同酬」問題因不同公務體制無法於第一時間解決,造成員工內心不滿與不安,亦是影響整體社會對醫療服務觀感不若預其的因素。(五)在基本人口特質中,軍人、家人同住多者及醫療服務使用率較高者,這三類群體對醫療服務品質的認知有較客觀的認定,應與其對醫療服務的體驗有較多之經驗有關。(六)以模擬醫事人力供需情境分析,澎湖地區並非是一個醫事人力不足或醫療資源缺乏的地區,而是在健保制度下形成醫療資源分配不均的問題。本研究建議健保醫療給付應配合政府公共政策才是解決離島醫療問題有效的方式。(七)離島醫療成本相當昂貴,以侷限的地域、不足的消費人口及健保總額支付制度限制下,要發展在地醫療或提升至區域級醫療服務品質宜審慎考慮,建議遠距醫療合作、空中轉診後送結合軍方穩定的醫療人力支援,可能仍是最佳解決問題的模式。 The purpose of this study is to explore how two public hospitals on Penghu Island can really make good use of limited local resources to improve medical quality and patient’s satisfaction under nation wide integration of health care policy. This study adopts qualitative research and interview method on the following four items that are of great concerns to the local general public: (1) the relationship between the integrated medical policy and improvement of local medical quality (2) the relationship between the integrated medical policy and hospital performance (3) the relationship between the integrated medical policy and organizational management (4) the relationship between the integrated medical policy and patient’s satisfaction. As to the observation of client satisfaction of medical treatment, the targets are out-patients with analysis of their satisfaction with the medical services. This study also intends to interpret from different aspects and perspectives the real social meaning presented by the relationship between the integrated medical policy and client satisfaction.<br>This study has discovered the following: (1) The decision of the integrated medical policy with purpose of effectively deploying limited resources on off-shore islands is correct. However to what extent a medical building should provide its service is dependent on its hospital beds capacity and the definition of its role. Regular budgetary support from the government is necessary if stable quality of medical services is desired. (2) One of the main reason about people’s satisfaction with overall medical services provided on Penghu has not met the expectation is that there still did not provide a good resolution to the urgent medical support on Holiday after the integration of two hospitals medical resources. (3) There is a gap between professional medical services providers and patients in recognizing the quality of medical services. This means that the information obtained by both parties regarding the quality of medical services is asymmetric. Patients do not understand the criteria used to review the quality of medical services and as a result, they depend on very direct feeling or experience to make the judgment, thus causing the gap. (4) During the process of reorganization, the issue of “equal work with equal compensation” did not receive appropriate attention and was not resolved properly by different governmental bureaucratic systems which led to the fact that the quality of medical services is not as good as expected. (5) Three fundamental elements of population, military personnel, families with most of their members living together, and frequent users of medical services, have possessed more objective recognition of the quality of medical services due to their more sufficient experience in using medical services. (6) a simulated analysis of demand and supply of medical services has indicated that Penghu Island shall not be regarded a region lack of medical personnel or barren of medical resources. This study suggests that the compensation provided under the National Health Insurance System must go hand in hand with government public policies to provide an effective way to resolve medical problems on off-shore islands. (7) The cost of medical services on off-shore islands is high. Under the conditions of limited population in limited areas and the per-quota-compensation provided by the National Health Insurance System, we need to carefully consider how to develop or upgrade its quality level. It is, therefore, suggested that distant medical cooperation, aerial medical transport together with stable supply of medical personnel from the military provides probably the best model for resolution of the problems. "論文摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅲ
目 錄 Ⅴ
圖 目 錄 Ⅶ
表 目 錄 Ⅷ
附 錄 Ⅹ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究問題背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 論文結構 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 公立醫院多元化政策 5
第二節 偏遠地區整合性醫療服務體系之政策與發展 10
第三節 澎湖地區醫療資源及政策背景分析與發展 15
第四節績效評估與醫療品質相關文獻探討 31
第三章 研究方法 43
第一節 觀念性架構 43
第二節 研究指標及操作型定義 43
第三節 研究工具 44
第四節 研究倫理考量 47
第四章 研究分析與發現 50
第一節 整合醫療政策與提升醫療品質的關係 50
第二節 整合醫療政策與經營績效的關係 65
第三節 整合醫療政策與組織管理的關係 79
第四節 整合醫療政策與民眾滿意度的關係 89
第五章 結論與建議 117
第一節 研究結論 117
第二節 研究建議 118
參考文獻 121
壹、中文參考文獻 121
貳、英文參考文獻 123
附錄 125 |
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