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Title: | 台灣染顏料業者之轉型策略與組織能耐個案研究-以A公司為例 |
Authors: | 綦振工 |
Contributors: | 李仁芳 綦振工 |
Keywords: | 染顏料業 多角化策略 組織能耐 組織再造 關鍵成功因素 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:55:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣化工業中有一個非常小的一支系,那就是紡織行業供應鍊上游中的染顏料業;建築業、印刷業、塑膠業供應鍊中的顏料業。在1970 年代亞洲四小龍開始活躍於輕工業界為全世界提供產品,台灣的紡織業、建築業、印刷業、塑膠業蓬勃發展,伴隨著以上行業的需求,大量自德、瑞士、英、美、日高價進口染顏料,讓台灣化工業者嗅覺到了商機,紛紛跳進染顏料業。這行業一直興旺到1990年代。中國大陸在1982年開始改革開放,開始時候對於生活基本物資飢渴般的需求,造成亞洲四小龍景氣到最高峰。台灣的染顏料業者此時以多年獲利紛紛尋求上市上櫃擴大獲利。在1990年代後期,中國大陸各地在紡織業、建築業、塑膠業投入大筆資金分別加入競爭是典型的競爭合流。
1. A公司如何找出自己的組織能耐?
2. A公司如何進入新領域?
3. A公司從研發到商業化途徑中組織有何變化?
一、 針對能縮短製程時間節能、降低排汙的環保製程或產品必是未來行業趨勢,如何以專利保障研究成果,需要設定好策略與規劃步驟。
二、 對於染料消費者其中一群體:汽車用椅套墊染色業的後續發展的建議;傳統配方為了求高日曬牢度,所使用的染料多為舊型化學結構,較高汙染排放品項,技術創新上可應用綠色化學製程、篩選開發新結構、新配方、使用新助劑、新後段加工製程,把上游的生產供應鏈污染排放量降低下來,成為對環境更友善產品。所作市場通路策略上改變以如「XX環保綠色標章」標示於產品及下游紡織產品吊牌上,如「Intel Inside」一樣的光榮貼上。
三、 價值鏈活動上投入更多資源發展品牌與擴大原有通路規模。 Chemical industry in Taiwan has a tiny sub stream, that is Dyestuff and pigment business, It is located in the upper tiers of the Textile business supply chain.
Four of Asia countries in 1970s became most active roles in the world’s light industry. Meanwhile the Textile and related industries in Taiwan began to flourish,
Accompanied by the huge needs of this industries, a large number dyestuff and pigment imported at high prices from the Germany, the Switzerland, the Great Britain (U.K.), the United States, Japan.
At this moment, the chemical industry companies in Taiwan found these was very good opportunity to produce the products, Some company they Jumped into the dyestuff and pigment business. On the another side of Taiwan strait, China begun to open domestic market in 1982,At the beginning, The basic materials for living needs hungrily, Causing the the four Asian 4 countries economy went to the peak of the records. Thus the industry has been continuing thriving through the 1990s. In China, some of industry invested a large quantities of resources as a follower, it was typical of the competition convergence. Case “A “ (“A”)company in Taiwan at that moment felt the competition, seeking a way goes out of the competition.
This study will discuss a case study, Which will have a in-depth study of dyestuff and pigment industry in Taiwan ,This company how to update their strategy into the diversification strategy, organizational change, new industry research and development, deep in product technology research and, the establishment of technical team. From none to new plant facilitating, Invented new products into new business, sales team, building, new branding, and set up marketing channels.
By the case of dyestuff and pigment industry company moved into the area of biochemical and pharmaceutical fields, Three questions will be addressed as followings :
1. How “A “company found out their organization capability?
2. How “A “company entered into new business territories?
3. From the R&D stage to the commercialization stage ;What was organization changed happened in the” A” company?
In this study had found and showed that when” A “company faced of their competitors broke out their technical barriers; the same product competitiveness in the market, Low-price competition. “A “company held an internal strategy conference leaded to find out their owned organizational capabilities, Set up a project team in dynamic way to perform technical break through and market penetration. The company’s resources moved and allocated toward R&D activities, further to restructure of the company reorganization; then spun off a new independent company.
From the R&D stage went to the commercialized stage , The company had cultural and administrative changes , which brought impact to the members . The differences came from internal factors; work flows, operation procedures, organization functions. To the external factors; multinational sales channels, different regulations from the different countries. When the new “L” company spun off form the “A” company, Both company keep their own regulations and company cultures .
Accordance with the study findings, there are some recommendations offered to the companies.
To “L” company:
1. Building a learning organization; introduced new technologies products to the Carotenoids family product application, Invent innovative products goes into the feed and pharmaceutical field.
To “A” company:
1. Follow the trend of needs, Optimized process times work flow, Low pollutive process and products will be the future trend, Set up a proper patent strategy to keep the value inside of “A” company.
2. To one of the dyestuff application sector – car seat textile sector ;
The traditional recipe contains a lot of old, pollutive process products, It should be switched to green chemistry methods, newly selected structure, new auxillaries, new finishing process. Which can reduce the total pollution form the top of supply chain, become greener and more environmental friendly products . Place a honorable “Green environmental “tag, Like the well known” Intel inside “ tag as a market differentiation symbol 摘要 i
致謝 vi
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 研究動機與研究問題 3
1.2.1 研究背景動機與介紹 3
1.2.2 研究問題 6
第三節 研究範圍及流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 企業轉型 9
第二節 組織能耐 20
2.2.1 組織能耐是企業的資源能力等的綜合 20
2.2.2 組織能耐也是競爭優勢及核心競爭力 21
2.2.3 企業競爭力源自創新價值與創新之泉 25
第三節 產業之競爭力與競爭優勢 27
2.3.1 競爭優勢的方法 27
2.3.2 關鍵成功因素與持久性競爭優勢 31
2.3.3 為企業改變優勢 32
2.3.4 關鍵成功因素的展開 33
第四節 創造企業知識創新之泉 43
第三章 研究方法 46
第一節 研究設計與流程 46
第二節 研究架構 47
第三節 個案選取–A企業 48
第四節 研究限制 48
第四章 個案介紹及分析 50
第一節 染顏料產業(Dyestuff & Pigment Industry) 50
第二節 營運模式 53
4.2.1 什麼是分散染料 54
4.2.2 A公司研究以此類結構作電子材料OLED使用 58
4.2.3 分散染料的製品化 60
第二節 何謂酸性染料 61
第三節 市場分析 64
第四節 未來發展趨勢 67
第五節 新領域產品介紹-類胡蘿蔔素產業概況 73
第六節 個案公司簡歷 79
4.6.1 研究發展簡介 82
4.6.2 L公司簡介 86
第七節 個案分析 87
4.7.1 A公司如何進入新領域? 94
4.7.2 A公司從研發到商業化途徑中組織有何變化 105
第八節 小結 117
第五章 研究結論與建議 120
第一節 研究結論 120
5.1.1 A公司找出自己的組織能耐之結論 120
5.1.2 A公司如何進入新領域之結論 127
5.1.3 A公司從研發到商業化途徑中組織有何變化之結論 131
5.1.4 A,L公司在企業轉型與多角化經營上之變化 136
第二節 後續發展的建議 136
5.2.1 研究對L公司後續發展的建議 136
5.2.2 研究對於A公司染顏料部門提出的後續發展的建議 138
參考文獻 141 |
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