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    Title: 多國企業核心流程之動態演化與創新研究-以日商在台子公司為例
    A Case Study of the Dynamic Evolution and Innovation through the Core Process of MNC: Japanese UC Subsidiary in Taiwan.
    Authors: 鍾國生
    Contributors: 張逸民
    Keywords: 多國企業
    Core Process
    Dynamic Evolution
    Strategic process
    Operational process
    Human Resource process
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-12 12:54:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以日商在台子公司為個案,探討多國企業核心流程之動態演化與創新研究。分析個案子公司的演化與創新過程,本研究從子公司的組織、母子公司關係、子公司角色、以及其核心流程,發現以下五點:
    一. 對子公司的組織管理,母公司運用彈性的管理導向,有助於發揮子公司資源與能力。
    This thesis has used Japanese subsidiary in Taiwan as case to study the dynamic evolution and innovation through the core process of MNC. From the view point of the organization control of alleged subsidiary, relationship of parent-subsidiary, subsidiary role in MNC, and its core process of subsidiary, we conclude the major findings are:
    (1). For the purpose of organization management, Parent company of MNC has adopted the flexible managerial patterns to facilitate subsidiary’s capability and its resources accumulation.
    (2). Relationship between parent and its subsidiary is interdependence. This kind of relationship helps Parent company who can utilize the net ownership advantages of host country to increase the total operational performance of MNC. It also helps to reduce the management difficulty toward subsidiary of MNC and even helps to increase the speed of innovation.
    (3). Top management of subsidiary shows their management skill with realistic and takes initiative in helping subsidiary to increase its capability and resources. Through the change of charter or its strategic roles, subsidiary can expand its participation of international responsibility.
    (4). Compare with other MNCs, subsidiary which has the capability of global integration can generate value-creation activities for MNC. Subsidiary will become the source of knowledge flow for its parent company.
    (5). The core process of subsidiary with dynamic evolution provides MNC with domestic knowledge. This evolution also helps MNC in internationalization development.
    第一章 緒論 5
    第一節 研究動機 5
    第二節 研究目的 7
    第三節 研究方法與架構 9
    一、個案研究法 10
    二、焦點訪談法 11
    第二章 文獻探討與理論基礎 13
    第一節 多國企業組織導向之管理控制 15
    第二節 母公司與子公司關係 22
    第三節 子公司的角色 25
    第四節 子公司的經營流程 33
    第三章 個案公司敘述 43
    第一節 產業環境與母公司發展 43
    第二節 初創期:母公司海外投資銷售為主的時期 53
    第三節 磨合期:領導統御的變化 57
    第四節 創新期:在地生產與產品概念、技術發展 62
    第五節 發展方向 70
    第四章 個案公司分析與理論呼應之發現 76
    一、本個案子公司之組織導向是介於民族中心與多元中心 77
    二、本個案之母子公司關係是依存化 81
    三、本個案子公司的角色是領導統御的務實化 85
    四、本個案公司的核心流程是執行力的整合 87
    第五章 研究結論與建議 95
    第一節 研究結論 95
    第二節 研究限制 102
    第三節 研究建議 104
    對於個案子公司的建議: 105
    附錄一 108
    中文參考書目 110
    英文參考書目 113
    Reference: 中文參考書目
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