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Title: | 從資訊整合看我國企業國際化的財務資金調度之研究 |
Authors: | 童雅芬 |
Contributors: | 周宣光 童雅芬 |
Keywords: | 國際化財務資金調度管理 現金池 資訊整合 International management of treasury dispatching Cash pooling Integration of information |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:41:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在企業國際化的過程中,組織與管理方式的設計上,應以全球之觀點出發,以追求企業之永續經營。企業總部所發展出來之組織文化、管理流程、資訊應用等,是企業是否能成為一成功國際化企業之必要條件。
最後我們將整理根據R集團之經驗所歸納出在國際化歷程中會面臨之課題,並依據文獻及實例來提出可行之參考建議。 For a local company transform into a globalization enterprise, it should be focus on organization structures and managerial concept to pursue business continuity from a global perspective. The organization credo shall develop its organizational culture, management process, and application of information, which are the vital elements for being globalization.
This research uses case study and information collection to study how local companies transform as global enterprise. We bring up the issue from Treasury Management point of view to analyze the problem that local companies may encounter during the evolution of globalization. In the meantime, with reference one successful transactional companies, we will find out some workable solutions.
Hence, we sum up the problems what a local company could encounter as to become a transactional company, we will firstly analysis the current status for six local companies. Base on the problem we select, we will make the same comparison to one well-known company in Taiwan to observe the revolution of its management in terms of Treasury issue and the conflicts it would meet possibly.
Next we will use an example of a mature global company to understand how they perform its Treasury Management as a global enterprise and how they deal with the relevant issues as we identified in our study. We also introduce its operations in the areas of foreign exchange, cash pooling as well as the integration of information to offer a workable solutions to our local company.
Finally, we will generalize the challenges that a global enterprise would encounter as our example - R group and try our best to offer relevant suggestions according to literatures and real cases. 第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究流程與步驟
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 企業國際化之演進
第二節 企業財務資金管理之理論
第三節 資訊科技在國際化歷程中在財務資金調度上的策略性運用方式
第三章 本國企業在財務資金調度之現況及分析
第一節 我國各類企業之資金調度與管理個案現況介紹
第二節 本土企業財務資金調度之觀察
第三節 我國企業(甲企業)之現行財務資金調度作法介紹
第四節 針對台灣本土企業現行財務管理之檢討
第五節 小結
第四章 跨國R集團之現行財務資金調度作法介紹
第一節 跨國公司背景介紹
第二節 R企業之現行財務資金調度作法介紹
第五章 國際化財務資金調度之歸納分析與建議
第一節 內部觀點看財務資金調度之議題
第二節 國際化所面臨的課題及建議(以R集團現行財務管理之檢討為例)
第三節 面臨的國際化,台灣本土企業在財務資金管理之建議
第六章 結論與未來研究
第一節 研究成果
第二節 後續研究建議參考文獻 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 95932059 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095932059 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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