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Title: | 台灣保險業導入要/被保人數位簽章之探討 A study on the insured digital signature of the Taiwan insurance industries |
Authors: | 劉明豐 |
Contributors: | 蔡政憲 劉明豐 |
Keywords: | 數位簽章 創新感知屬性 網路投保 保險電子商務 Digital Signatures Rate of Adoption of an Innovation Online Insurance e-Insurance |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:25:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國保險業自2004年導入要保人數位簽章以來,不僅在推動上面臨困難,網路業務也未能順利拓展,然政府業務及金融交易已成功導入電子憑證的各項應用,未來,如何兼顧保險電子商務及數位簽章的應用發展,將是保險業的重大挑戰。本研究的主要目的在於探討保險業對要保人數位簽章的態度與傾向,以創新採用速率的主要影響因素作為理論分析基礎,探討風險資安因素對數位簽章的採用影響,以及金融保險憑證與政府相關憑證的採用傾向。本研究採郵寄問卷調查方式蒐集保險業對數位簽章的看法,總計回收有效問卷為46份。研究結果如次:
一、 產險業與壽險業皆不會因為風險資安因素而採用數位簽章。
二、 產險業配合政府政策而採用憑證的意願偏低,壽險業配合政府政策而採用憑證的意願較高。
三、 產險業傾向不採用網路保險憑證,但傾向採用網路銀行憑證、網路下單憑證及政府相關憑證。
四、 不論是網路保險憑證、網路銀行憑證、網路下單憑證及政府相關憑證,壽險業皆傾向採用。
一、 訂定未取得要保書正本簽名或未採用數位簽章所應遵循的規範,包括傳真簽名及其他身分確認機制,以創造有利於網路業務發展的環境。
二、 擴大要保人數位簽章的應用範圍,包括開放保險業銷售中風險的保險商品,以及授權保險業存取政府資料庫管控核保風險等,以利保險業提供差異化的網路投保服務。
三、 原則上,以政府相關憑證為主,金融憑證為輔的方式推動保險業採用數位簽章,如有推動上的困難,則改以保險憑證為主,金融憑證為輔的方式替代,並開放保險憑證及金融憑證可經由異業結盟互為使用。
四、 基於維持保險電子商務市場秩序考量,保險經代人經營電子商務宜納入保險業管理規範,以建立公平的市場競爭環境,俾利保險業經營網路投保業務,消費者享有更多保費折扣優惠。
關鍵字:數位簽章、創新感知屬性、網路投保、保險電子商務 Since the insurers employed insured digital signatures in 2004, they have not only faced difficulties in promotion but also expanded online businesses hardly. However, the government businesses and the financial transactions have fulfilled various applications of digital certificates successfully. In the future, how to well develop the applications of e-insurance and digital signatures at the same time will become a significant challenge for the insurance industries. The major goal of this study is to delve into the insurers’ postures and bents toward the implementation of insured digital signatures. The analysis theory is based on primary factors of affecting the rate of adoption of an innovation. It supports to explore the influence of operational risks and information securities upon the use of digital signatures, and the tendencies of the use of financial digital certificates and government-related digital certificates. To collect the required data provided by insurers, this study used mail questionnaire method, totaling the valid questionnaire of the recovery as 46s. The findings are listed as follows:
1. Both the P&C insurers and the life insurers do not adopt insured digital signatures due to operational risks and information securities.
2. Regarding the compliance of the government policies, the P&C insurers incline not to adopt digital certificates. However, the life insurers incline to adopt digital certificates.
3. The P&C insurers incline not to adopt insurance digital certificates, but incline to adopt banking digital certificates, stock-dealing digital certificates and government-related digital certificates.
4. No matter what kind of digital certificates are, including insurance digital certificates, banking digital certificates, stock-dealing digital certificates and government-related digital certificates, the life insurers incline to adopt any of them.
If the insurance industries would like to continue to advance the development of insured digital signatures, the propositions are listed as follows:
1. In order to create a beneficial environment for the development of online businesses, this study suggests developing directions for the signatures by fax and the other signer authentication mechanism.
2. In order to let the insurers offer differential online insurance services, this study proposes permitting the insurers to sell middle-risk insurance products and access government databases for underwriting risk management.
3. In principle, it is preferable that the insurers employ government-related digital certificates and financial digital certificates. If hardly, the insurers employ insurance digital certificates and financial digital certificates instead. Moreover, both digital certificates have reciprocal usage for each other by means of strategic alliance from different financial businesses.
4. Based on the consideration of keeping e-insurance market order, this study propounds that the e-insurance of brokers and agents are incorporated into directions for the e-insurance of insurers in order to establish a fair market competition environment. It is helpful to insurers’ online businesses and consumers’ preferential premiums.
Keywords: Digital Signatures, Rate of Adoption of an Innovation, Online Insurance, e-Insurance 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 研究範圍 5
第五節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 電子簽章與數位簽章 7
第二節 保險業電子簽章之應用 16
第三節 保險業採用電子簽章之動機 20
第四節 保險業導入電子簽章之風險 28
第三章 問卷設計 33
第一節 問卷設計之模型基礎 33
第二節 問卷設計之理念方向 37
第三節 問卷資料之分析方法 48
第四章 資料分析 55
第一節 基本資料之敘述分析 55
第二節 要保人數位簽章之資料分析 63
第三節 保險經代人數位簽章之資料分析 100
第四節 對分析結果之省思 104
第五章 結論與建議 110
第一節 結論 110
第二節 建議 113
參考資料 117
中文部分 117
英文部分 118
附錄 保險業數位簽章之需求調查問卷 120 |
Reference: | 中文部分 中華民國八十九年二月九日總統 (89) 華總一義字第8900033910號令修正公布:「民事訴訟法」。 中華民國九十年十一月十四日總統(90)華總一義字第9000223510號令制定公布全文17 條:「電子簽章法」。 中華民國九十一年七月二十三日財政部台財保字第0910750555號函修正發布全文18 點:「強制汽車責任保險核保作業處理要點」 中華民國九十三年五月十二日財政部保險司台保司四字第 0930704024號函公布:「保險業電子商務參考查核項目」。 中華民國九十三年六月二十八日財政部台財保字第0930705614號函同意備查訂定:「保險業電子商務紀錄保存及內部安全控制作業管理自律規範」。 中華民國九十三年六月二十八日財政部台財保字第0930705614號函同意備查訂定全文 18 條:「保險業電子商務保險服務契約範本」。 中華民國九十三年六月二十八日財政部台財保字第0930705614號函同意備查訂定發布:「強制汽車責任保險電子商務保險服務契約範本」。 中華民國九十六年八月二十九日行政院金融監督管理委員會金管保二字第09602523643號令修正發布全文14 點:「人身保險要保書示範內容及注意事項」。 中華民國九十七年一月九日行政院金融監督管理委員會金管保三字第09602551841號令訂定發布全文30 條:「保險業設立許可及管理辦法」。 財團法人資訊工業策進會科技法律中心,2003,「國外先進國家相關政府電子文書立法狀況研究報告」,http://www.good.nat.gov.tw/G2B2C/upload/file /20080430103842_file1.doc,搜尋日期:2009年6月13日。 經濟部商業司,2005,「2005台灣PKI年鑑」。台北:經濟部商業司。 英文部分 106th United States Congress, 2000, Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. American Bar Association, 1996, Digital Signature Guidelines: Legal Infrastructure for Certification Authorities and Electronic Commerce, Chicago: American Bar Association, at http://www.abanet.org/ftp/pub/scitech /ds-ms.doc(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). Blythe, Stephen E., 2005, Digital Signature Law of the United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and United Stats: Promotion of Growth in E-Commerce with Enhanced Security, L11 RICH. J.L. & TECH. 2 (2005), at http://law.richmond.edu/jolt/v11i2/article6.pdf(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). Casey, Brian T. and Patrick J. Hatfield, 2002, Electronic Signatures: A Framework for Designing an Effective e-Signatures Process, Lord Bissell & Brook’s Client Alerts: Nov. 19, 2002, at http://www.lordbissell.com /Newsstand/e-Sign-HatfieldCasey.pdf(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). European Union, 17.7.2000, Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Official Journal of the European Communities, L 178/1. European Union, 19.1.2000, Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Official Journal of the European Communities, L 13/12. Hatfield, Patrick J. and Jay G. Safer, 2007, From E-Discovery To E-Admissibility? Lorraine v. Markel And What May Follow, Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP’s Client Alerts: Jun. 1, 2007, at http://www.lockelord.com/files/Publication/f05cfda2-9db3-4c4a-a4c7-00e9a651925f/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/04f2674d-a20c-45be-a297-0ab3726ca0f5/2007-6_Ediscovery_Neiditz-Hatfield-Safer_Revised.pdf(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP, 2008, Electronic Signatures, at http://www.lockelord.com/files/Publication/6b14a676-fc5c-49b7-ac8d-0b1a21ee1098/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/d09df841-e8b6-4110-bd66-0c0254691e42/PAD-TT_2008-09_T2_ElectronicSignatures.pdf(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). Mayberry-Stewart, Melodie, 2007, Electronic Signatures and Records Act (ESRA) Guidelines, NYS BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINE: # G04-001, at http://www.oft.state.ny.us/Policy/G04-001/G04-001.doc(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). NCCUSL(National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), 1999, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. Pauli , Karen, 2007, Electronic Signature and Secure Forms in the Insurance Industry: Taking the P&C Pen to the Web, Needham: TowerGroup. Roger, Everett M., 2003, Diffusion of Innovations, Fifth Edition, New York: Free Press. Smedinghoff, Thomas J. and Ruth Hill Bro, 1999, Moving with Change: Electronic Signature Legislation as a Vehicle for Advancing e-Commerce, at http://www.wildman.com/article/movingwithchange.pdf(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), 2002, e-Commerce and Development Report 2002, at http://www.unctad.org /en/docs/ecdr2002_en.pdf(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). United Nations, 1999, UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce with Guide Enactment 1996, at http://www.uncitral.org/pdf/english/texts /electcom/05-89450_Ebook.pdf(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). United Nations, 2002, UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures with Guide Enactment 2001, at http://www.uncitral.org/pdf/english/texts /electcom/ml-elecsig-e.pdf(last visited date Jun. 13, 2009). Weber, Craig, 2002, E-Signatures in U.S. Insurance: Overview, Issues, & Case Studies, New York: Celent. Weber, Craig, 2007, An E-signature Update for US Insurers, New York: Celent. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 92932805 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0092932805 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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