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Title: | 資訊揭露程度與公司價值之探討-以台灣傳統產業為例 |
Authors: | 塗盈媜 Tu, Ying-chen |
Contributors: | 張清福 Chang, Ching-fu 塗盈媜 Tu, Ying-chen |
Keywords: | 資訊揭露 市場反應 Ohlson模型 Information disclosure Market reaction Ohlson model |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:39:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 恩隆(Enron)等管理當局舞弊案,是資訊不對稱所造成。為減少資訊不對稱之問題,各國對公司資訊揭露之範圍與內容規範甚多,沙氏法案(Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)對公司財務揭露之要求即為例證,惟資訊不對稱之情形在資本市場中仍然很嚴重。
本文探討在市場資訊不對稱之情形下,投資人做投資決策時,是否考量公司資訊揭露之程度。本研究以Ohlson (1995)、Barth (1998)、Sloan (1996)及Fama and French (1992, 1995)作為理論基礎建構模型,探討資訊揭露程度對公司價值之影響。具體而言,本研究將揭露程度分為:「財務與營運」、「董事會及股權結構」及「公司網站」三類,針對傳統產業公司之資訊揭露程度與股價、權益市值及股票報酬等三類公司價值之關係進行實證研究。
實證結果發現,除了會計資訊對公司價值具有攸關性外,公司整體資訊揭露程度對公司之價值亦有顯著之正向影響。其中,「財務與營運」的揭露程度對三類公司價值均具有顯著的正向關係,「董事會及股權結構」的揭露程度對股價與權益市值具有顯著之正向關係,「公司網站」的揭露程度則與各公司價值間皆僅為正向但不顯著之關係。 Information asymmetry may cause serious business fraud like Enron case. Countries around the word devote much effort enforcing regulation on the disclosure financial information, such as the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in the USA.
Based on Ohlson (1995), Barth (1998), Sloan (1996), and Fama and French (1995), this study investigates the market reaction to the financial information disclosure. The disclosure of financial information is decomposed into three categories including financial and operating disclosure, board and ownership structure disclosure, and website disclosure. How the stock price, market value and stock return are related to these financial disclosures is examined.
As the results show, in addition to the fact that the accounting information is value relevant, the comprehensive financial disclosure has significantly positive effect on stock price, market value, and stock return, as the financial and operating disclosure does. However, the disclosure of board and ownership structure has significant positive effect only on both stock price and market value, but the market does not have significant reaction to the financial disclosure on website. |
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