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Title: | 公司創新活動與召開記者會關係之研究 On the Association between Innovation and Press Conferences |
Authors: | 陳書鈺 Chen,Shu-yu |
Contributors: | 金成隆 Chin,Chen-lung 陳書鈺 Chen,Shu-yu |
Keywords: | 記者會 創新 Press conferences Innovation |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:38:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討我國上市(櫃)公司創新活動與公司管理當局舉辦記者會之間的關係。詳言之,創新活動愈多的公司,是否舉辦記者會的誘因、次數以及討論的詳細度也較多或愈高,以降低財務報表無法表彰創新結果所引起的「會計性資訊不對稱」;其次,本研究也預期,記者會提到較多的創新活動時,市場給予比較高的津貼。實證結果顯示,第一,創新活動與舉辦記者會的機率、頻率呈現正相關,且就有召開記者會的樣本而言,創新活動愈多時,會中提到創新活動的內容也比較詳盡。第二,實證結果也發現,創新活動愈多時,召開的記者會具有較高的異常報酬,且未來經營績效也較佳。此一結果的含意是:面對面動態溝通的記者會,可以提供有用的訊息給投資者評估公司的創新情況。 The primary objective of this paper is to examine the association of innovation activities with press conferences. Specifically, we predict that, to reduce the accounting-related information asymmetry derived by innovation activities, firms with higher innovative activities are more likely to held press conferences. Furthermore, we also predict that information content of press conferences are positively associated with innovations. Consistent with our expectation, the empirical findings show that the likelihood and frequency of press conferences are higher for firms with more innovative activities compared to firms with less innovative activities, and more innovative firms are more likely to discuss innovation activities during press conferences. Secondly, we also find that market premiums are higher for firm with more innovative activities. The implication for this finding is that disclosure based on face-to-face or other interactive contact with the audience (e.g., press conferences) typically has greater effect in decrease in information asymmetry derived by the innovation activities. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353039 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530391 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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