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Title: | 我國資訊電子業智慧資本內部報導之研究-兼論策略之影響以及與外部報導之比較 |
Authors: | 卓貽婷 |
Contributors: | 王文英 卓貽婷 |
Keywords: | 智慧資本內部報導 智慧資本外部報導 策略 資訊電子業 Internal intellectual capital reporting External intellectual capital reporting Strategy Electronic industry |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:36:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在這個知識經濟時代中,智慧資本是組織競爭優勢的關鍵所在,因此企業會希望透過內部智慧資本報導來監督智慧資本的發展與執行,不過,隨著企業所採取策略的不同,將影響所重視與所需的智慧資本,並進而造成智慧資本報導內容也將會因策略的不同而有所差異。此外,從企業的市場價值與帳面價值背離情況愈趨嚴重來看,也瞭解到傳統財務報表已無法提供給外部資訊使用者有關企業未來獲利潛力之有用資訊,而為解決此問題並提昇財務報表的價值攸關性,應有必要提供智慧資本外部報導予外部資訊使用者。
一、企業基於內部管理目的,所重視及所需之智慧資本報導內容有「基礎 設施能力」、「研發能力」、「營運流程管理」、「提昇人力資源品 質之能力」、「拓展新客戶之能力」、「員工勝任能力」、「客戶服 務系統之完善程度」、「客戶獲利力」等八個因素構面。
三、企業基於內部管理目的,所重視及所需之智慧資本報導內容會因採取 策略之不同而有所差異。 In this knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital is the key factor to help business get its competitive advantage. Therefore, business hopes to use internal intellectual capital reporting to monitor the development and execution of intellectual capital. The different strategies will influence the need of intellectual capital and also contribute to the difference of intellectual capital reporting. Besides, while the gap between market value and book value becomes larger, traditional financial statement becomes insufficient for external users. To solve this problem and increase the relevance of financial statement, it is necessary to provide external intellectual capital reporting to external users.
In view of the increasing need of internal and external intellectual capital reporting, the government and scholars began to explore the issues of external and internal intellectual capital reporting structure actively. They also propose that internal intellectual capital reporting should disclose more detail business processes and procedures, etc.; On the other hand, external intellectual capital reporting doesn’t need detailed disclosure, but should emphasize on the outcomes of business activities and processes based on reliability, comparability, and competitiveness. The objective of this study is to find out the intellectual capital reporting of different reporting purposes and strategic types.
In this study, both questionnaire survey and statistics analysis are used. The public firms in the electronic industry are the objects of the thesis. We found that:
1. Managers think that internal intellectual capital reporting includes the infrastructure ability, research and development ability, operation processes management, the ability to increase human resource quality, the ability to increase a number of clients, the qualified ability of employees, the completeness of customer service system, and the customer profits.
2. Managers think that internal intellectual capital reporting and external intellectual capital reporting are different.
3. Internal Intellectual capital reporting is affected by strategic types. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353005 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530051 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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