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Title: | 無形資產投入量與企業報酬及風險之研究 Research on Enterprise Return, Risk, and Input in Intangible Assets |
Authors: | 薛健宏 Hsueh, Chien-Hung |
Contributors: | 許崇源 Hsu, Chung-Yuan 薛健宏 Hsueh, Chien-Hung |
Keywords: | 無形資產 智慧資本 風險 報酬 intangible asset intelligible capital risk return |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:34:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討無形資產的報酬與風險。隨著知識經濟的來臨,無形資產愈發重要,然而,無形資產風險的探討卻極為有限。Barsky and Marchant (2000)明白指出,「無形資產」就是「智慧資本」。基於吳安妮﹙2004﹚、Kaplan and Norton﹙2004﹚的架構,「平衡計分卡」的三個非財務構面對應著「各無形資產項目」,即「顧客構面」對應著「關係資本」,「內部流程構面」對應著「創新資本」,「學習與成長構面」對應著「人力資本」。本研究參酌廖俊杰﹙2003﹚的設計,進一步將各類無形資產細分為投入與產出因子。
財報資料系基於一般公認會計原編製,與市場認知恐有所不同,本研究測試兩者的風險認知是否存在重大差異。結果顯示,無形資產投入的「市場風險」大多低於「會計風險」,並未發現「無形資產投入成果」因資訊不對稱之疑慮,而增加企業風險。 The paper tests return and risk of intangible assets. Under knowledge economy, intangible assets are more and more important, but there is rare literature about risk of intangible assets. Barsky and Marchant (2000) pointed out that “intangible asset” is “intelligible capital”. Based on the framework by Kaplan and Norton (2004) and Wu (2004), three non-financial perspectives on balanced scorecard belong to intangible assets, in other words, customer perspective is connected with relationship capital, internal process perspective with innovation capital, learning and growth perspective with human capital. Referring to Liao (2003), the intangible assets items are divided into input and output items.
About the relationship between return and risk, the empirical result shows the negative relation between return and risk, inconsistent with CAPM. Grouping by the level of return, the result shows the positive relationship between risk and return in high-return group, and negative relationship between risk and return in low-return group. The sample comes from recent Taiwan facing the depression, so the empirical results show negative relationship between risk and return.
Results show that all inputs in intangible assets can raise the output of the same capital. In addition, all outputs of intangible assets can also increase the enterprise performance, supporting the economic value of intangible assets. In addition, the empirical results also support the concept of balanced scorecard, this is, output from human capital can increase the output from innovation capital, and output from innovation capital can increase the return through the output from relationship capital. In addition, the result shows R&D expenditure of the high-return group is only one variable significantly higher than that of the low-return group. It implies R&D is a key factor for the enterprise return.
About risk, there are no consistent results. Output from innovation capital would increase the whole risk in the company, while the output from relationship capital and human capital can decrease the enterprise risk. Among the output indicators, output from innovation capital is measured with patents, which is only one indicator about highly uncertainty, while output from other capitals are captured by confirmed financial results and the occurred turnover in employees. Therefore, the output from innovation capital is related positively with the enterprise risk, and the environment with “low return, high risk” makes the negative relationship between enterprise risk and the output from relationship capital and human capital.
In addition, the enterprise risk is related negatively with all inputs of intangible assets including relationship capital, innovation capital, and human capital. The marginal benefit from input of relationship capital goes down, probably leading to the decreasing enterprise risk. Moreover, the results show the positive association between R&D expenditure and the risk of innovation-capital output, and the convex relationship between the enterprise risk and the risk of the innovation-capital output, implying the firm without R&D operation can not apply for the patent, and the firms don’t the risk of innovation-capital output. However, the companies lack the competitive ability and face the serious survival crisis, so there is more enterprise risk in the firm at final. In other words, the innovation operation can decrease the enterprise risk. About human capital, except working years of employees, human-capital input can increase the enterprise return, and decrease the enterprise risk, so it is usually said “employees is the most important asset in the enterprise.”
Financial reports are compiled by GAAP, which is probably different from the recognition of investors in market, so the difference in recognition of risk between them is examined in the paper. Results show the market risk of most intangible-asset inputs is lower than the accounting risk, and no extra risk from information asymmetry is found. |
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