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Title: | 財務會計準則公報第34號第二次修訂金融資產重分類對市場反應與公司特性之研究 |
Authors: | 簡宏志 |
Contributors: | 許崇源 簡宏志 |
Keywords: | 34號公報重分類 事件研究法 Ohlson評價模式 公司特性 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:33:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究首先採事件研究法探討第34號公報第二次修訂公報發布時,市場反應與是否具備資訊內涵。其次針對公司之季報發布日公司所揭露之損益影響數,研究市場對於公報第二次修訂後第一個盈餘公布時點之反應,再以Ohlson 評價模式,來驗證所揭露之損益影響數是否具價值攸關,投資人對此事件反應為何。採用logit及一般迴歸,分別探討影響公司重分類動機的因素及影響公司重分類金額多寡之因素加以實證分析。
,投資人並有功能性固著現象產生。就重分類動機而言,當公司董監質押比率越高、TCRI信用評等等級越高、非四大會計師事務所核閱之客戶、淨值報酬率越低越傾向重分類金融資產。而就重分類金額多寡而言,董監事質押比越高、TCRI信用評等等級越高、非四大會計師事務所核閱、股利配發率越高、淨值報酬率越低,重分類之損益影響數金額越大。 This research mainly focuses on the market responses and its information content against the second amendment re-classification of SFAS NO.34 of financial assets using event study methodology. Market responses is examined with the amount disclosed at the first announcement of quarterly report. Then Ohlson model is applied to verify whether the disclosed amount has value relevance and how investors react to the announcement. The logit and OLS regression is utilized to examine the rationale behind reclassification and what affects the amount of reclassification.
The empirical result shows that the announcement date of second amendment and announcement date of quarterly report do retain information content and value relevance. The investors have shown significant functional fixation. Higher pledged share ratio of directors and supervisors, lower ROE and higher TCRI rating, and is not reviewed by big four audit firms, is positively related to reclassification of financial assets. The amount of reclassification is positively related to higher pledged share ratio of directors and supervisors, higher TCRI rating, higher dividend payout ratio, is not reviewed by big four audit firms and lower ROE. |
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