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    Title: 從生技新藥產業觀點探討大學之智慧財產管理
    Authors: 江雅鈴
    Chiang, Ya Lin
    Contributors: 劉江彬

    Chiang, Ya Lin
    Keywords: 生物技術
    new drug
    university-industry cooperation
    intellectual property management
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 17:16:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 生技新藥產業是指使用於人類及動植物用之新藥及高風險醫療器材之產業。而生技新藥產業與醫藥產業,在目的上均與人類及動植物用藥或醫療儀器相關;差異之處在於目前的生技醫藥產業相較於20餘年前的醫藥產業,多了生物技術的應用,產業結構由大型藥廠垂直整合演變為非營利組織、生物技術公司、大型藥廠分工的形態。總結來說,生物技術是生技新藥產業的重要組成要素,而生物技術的興起,則改變了過去醫藥產業產品與技術的組成,也改變了產業結構。
    Biotech and new drug development industry are targeted toward the development of drugs for human, animal, or plant use. This also includes the high-risk industry in medical devices. Although the pharmaceutical industry shares common objectives, the biotech and new drug industry emphasizes on applications in biotechnology and its industrial structure is composed by non-profit organizations and biotech dedicated firms. While biotechnology forms the basis to the biotech and new drug industry, the improvement of biotechnology also changed the interaction between the pharmaceutical products and technologies as well as its industrial structure.
    Biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry have received considerable attention around the world, including Taiwan. Since U.S. has been the leading country in the development of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, we can surely learn from its success. In particular, universities in the U.S. have played a crucial role in providing innovation and promoting university-industry cooperation and resulted in significant contributions to the progress of global biotech and new drug industry. Thus, this study will investigate the development of the industry within the U.S. by dissecting the various university-industry cooperation models and the management of intellectual property rights. Results from this study will hopefully shed some light on bridging our university with industry for further practice operation.
    By examining the U.S. biotech and pharmaceutical industry, this study has concluded that breakthroughs in fundamental, the passage of Bayh-Dole Act, and the inclusion of biotechnology into patent law science in 1980s are responsible for the rise of biotechnology industry. In addition, active university-industry cooperation along with licensing, technology transfer, strategic alliance among enterprises and information flowing in the knowledge value chain added the value of the innovation provided by universities. In many cases, the university has not only provided innovation, but also a source for future leaders that would take on role of the founders or head of project management.
    The U.S. universities have made significant contributions to the development of biotechnology by establishing entrepreneurship programs, intellectual property rights management, and often providing substantial assistance in business start-up. One type of assistance is rendered through regulating policies on equity that allows start-up companies to provide equity in place of part of license fee. In order to avoid a “conflict of interest”, universities should be limited of their possession of industry equity, which can prevents them from taking part in the company as the board director or members.
    In terms of the management of intellectual property rights, the measures of management of the University of California system can help diminish operation cost and enhance licensing efficiency. University of California system resorts to Technology transfer in a distributed institutional network that feed the common needs from each campus such as patent policies, general counsel, and information technology and communications. A licensing and technology transfer center (OTT) on each campus will follow a system wide license and technology transfer process between the inventor and the enterprise.
    In conclusion, it is recommended that our university could adopt the concept of network licensing and technology transfer. Through an overall arrangement, a management institute can be established to regulate the planning of policies, provide general counseling, and build a database of intellectual property rights aside from the existing licensing and technology center of each university. In the best interest of the developing biotech and new drug industry, universities should initiate policies with regard to equity holding limitation, encouragement of start-up business, and the avoidance in the “conflict of interest” so the industry may effectively utilize university resources and demonstrate its innovative values.
    第一章 緒論
    第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………1
    第二節 研究範圍…………………………………………………3
    第三節 章節安排…………………………………………………7
    第二章 文獻探討
    第一節 生物技術產業之範疇與產業特性……………… …… 8
    第二節 醫藥產業簡介……………………………………………10
    第三節 生物技術對醫藥產業的影響……………………………14
    第四節 政策與專利法對生技新藥產業的影響……… … ……25
    第五節 小結……………………………………………….… 28
    第三章 生技新藥產業之研發與智慧財產議題
    第一節 智慧財產類別……………………………………………31
    第二節 生技新藥產業的研發投入………………………………38
    第三節 生技新藥產業的價值創造………………………………45
    第四節 生技新藥產業的合作模式………………………………48
    第五節 智慧財產議題……………………………………………61
    第四章 產學合作與智慧財產管理
    第一節 產學合作的定義與重要性………………………. ……63
    第二節 合作研發模式……………………………… ……… …67
    第三節 合約與權利金結構………………………………… … 71
    第四節 權利保留條款………………………………………… 76
    第五節 研究工具的專利與授權…………………………………79
    第五章 個案研究-加州大學之產學合作與智慧財產管理
    第一節 加州大學簡介……………………………………………85
    第二節 技術移轉機構的組織與分工……………………………87
    第三節 智慧財產權的歸屬與管理………………………………95
    第四節 產學合作績效………………………………………… 112
    第六章 結論與建議
    第一節 結論…………………………………………………… 118
    第二節 建議…………………………………………………… 121


    【圖2-1】生物技術的跨領域特質- 以生物製藥為例
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923610121
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property] Theses

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