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    题名: 認知年齡與品牌年齡一致性對不同產品類型品牌偏好程度之影響
    The effects of congruence between cognitive age and brand age on brand preference under different product types
    作者: 黃昭蕙
    Huang, Chao-hui
    贡献者: 別蓮蒂
    Huang, Chao-hui
    关键词: 認知年齡
    Cognitive Age
    Mediating Effect
    Brand Preference
    Functional Product
    Hedonic Product
    Symbolic Product
    日期: 2008
    上传时间: 2009-09-11 17:02:13 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   本研究之目的是探討消費者自我認知年齡 (Cognitive Age) 與品牌年齡之一致性程度,對其品牌偏好的影響。為使研究結果具一般性之參考價值,本研究不以單一產品為研究標的,而是將產品依其所滿足之消費者需求的不同,區分為功能型產品 (Utilitarian Product)、享樂型產品 (Hedonic Product) 與象徵型產品 (Symbolic Product) 三類,以產品類型做為調節變數,了解在不同產品類型下,消費者自我認知年齡與品牌年齡之一致性,對其品牌偏好之關係會有何種程度之變化。
    The purpose of this study is to discuss the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and perceived brand age on brand preference. In order to maximize the contri-bution of the study, this study examines 3 product types, namely functional, hedonic, and symbolic rather than choosing a single product. By using product types as mod-erator, the study shows the effect of consumer’s cognitive age and perceived brand age on brand preference changes under different types of products.
    Because there’s no similar study in Taiwan before, the study uses secondary da-ta to explore the relationship between a consumer’s brand preference and cogni-tive-brand age gap (the disparity between the consumer’s cognitive age and brand age). A second stage of investigation was conducted to verify the research assump-tions once the secondary data study and the results were found to be consistent.
    According to the results, the gap between consumer’s cognitive age and actual age actually exists, and the two of them are positively related, implying that older people have higher cognitive age. On the main effect, although “the congruency of consumer’s actual age and brand age” and “the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and brand age” both have a positive relationship with brand preference, the relationship between “the congruency of consumer’s actual age and brand age” and “brand preference” is stronger, indicating that cognitive age has a mediating effect on the relationship between actual age and brand preference. Furthermore, the relationship between “the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and brand age” is much more salient for symbolic products than hedonic products, while functional product consumer choices are the least affected by this relationship.
    To sum up, cognitive age tells us more about consumer self-image and brand preference than the traditional marketing variable, actual age. This is especially true for symbolic and hedonic products. Therefore, if marketers could combine cognitive age with other demographic variables, they will learn more about consumers and draw up the most appropriate strategy for their brand. Furthermore, this study re-commends that firms marketing symbolic products should take into account con-sumers’ cognitive age, when determining brand age positioning. The selection of ad-vertising actors should also be aligned with the target consumer’s cognitive age.
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