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    Title: 虛擬社群特性、意識及成員忠誠度關係之研究
    The Relationship of Virtual Community`s Character, Sense and Member`s Loyalty
    Authors: 薛紹安
    Hsueh, Shau-An
    Contributors: 賴士葆

    Hsueh, Shau-An
    Keywords: 虛擬社群
    virtual community
    characteristics of virtual community
    sense of virtual community
    member`s loyalty to virtual community
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 16:57:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 虛擬社群已成為社會的新興溝通平台,隨著網際網路的發展而日益茁壯。所謂虛擬社群意識,是指成員對於與虛擬社群之間關係的感覺,或是個人感覺到屬於某個包含其他人的虛擬團體。虛擬社群意識由數個構面組成,會受到某些虛擬社群本身俱有的特性所影響;此外,虛擬社群成員對社群的忠誠度是使虛擬社群擴大發展的必要條件,若虛擬社群成員擁有強烈的社群意識,對社群的忠誠度是否會增加?


    1. 離線活動能正向影響會員身份、影響力及意識認同
    2. 娛樂性能正向影響會員身份、沉迷度及意識認同

    1. 會員身份能正向影響成員忠誠度
    2. 意識認同能正向影響成員忠誠度

    Virtual community, growing with Internet, has become a popular communication platform in recent years. Sense of virtual community (SOVC) means a member’s feeling toward the virtual community where he/she takes part. SOVC is composed of several different dimensions, and it will be affected by some characteristics of virtual community itself. Besides, if a virtual community pursues expanding, members` loyalty to their virtual communities will be a necessary condition. We wonder whether a strong SOVC will affect a member`s loyalty to his/her virtual community.

    The study generalizes the dimensions of virtual community first, afterward examining the relationship of virtual community`s characteristics, sense and member`s loyalty.
    20-30 year old members, who have sufficient experiences of participating in virtual communities, are our target samples. In total, we have 135 effective questionnaires, and conduct regressions to do this analysis.

    According to the study result, SOVC can be divided into 4 dimensions: membership, influence, immersion and conscious identification. As for characteristics of virtual community, they can be separated into 3 dimensions: leader`s enthusiasm, off-line activity and enjoyability.

    There are some relationships between these two constructs:
    1.Off-line activity can affect membership, influence and
    conscious identification positively.
    2.Enjoyability can affect membership, immersion and conscious
    identification positively.

    Besides,SOVC can affect member`s loyalty (to his/her virtual community):
    1.Membership can affect member’s loyalty positively.
    2.Conscious identification can affect member’s loyalty

    Virtual community has brought a huge change in ways of communication. The study discusses the relationship of virtual community`s characteristics, sense and member`s loyalty. Through understanding the study result, knowing the tips to increase SOVC and member`s loyalty, organizers of virtual communities are able to handle community better. In the end, they can reach great success in the virtual world.
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