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Title: | 以生態博物館觀點推動社區總體營造之影響研究-以「十三行博物館」為例 Research on the Influence of Integrated Community Construction from an Eco-Museum Perspective-A Case Study of Shihsanhang Museum |
Authors: | 黃麟惠 Huang, Lin-Huei |
Contributors: | 洪順慶 Horng, Shun-Ching 黃麟惠 Huang, Lin-Huei |
Keywords: | 生態博物館 文化觀光產業 十三行博物館 Eco-Museum Cultural Tourism Industry Shihsanhang Museum |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:51:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究基於博物館的演進與歷程、生態博物館的理念發展演進與對十三行博物館與八里地區的現況調查分析,透過主動參與以及對相關人士進行訪談,分析十三行博物館以生態博物館理念推動地區總體營造時,對地方競爭力與文化觀光產業的影響。
關鍵字:生態博物館、文化觀光產業、十三行博物館 The primary focus of this thesis is to provide a thorough investigation and understanding of Shihsanghang Museum and its surrounding community, the town of Bali. As an eco-musuem, Shihsanghang utilizes “integrated community construction,” a model based on a local community’s competency to increase cultural tourism for their area. To better understand this topic, an explanation of the evolution and history of the concept of museum is presented, with special focus on the concept of the eco-museum.
As a museum, Shihsanghang has access to multiple channels of communication, including the government, experts and specialists of the field, and the local community. Not only does this give Shihsanghang access to many different resources, but it also puts the museum in a position to expand its function, becoming a coordinator and mediator of government bureaus involved in Bali and a communication window between government and local residents. Being in such a position is vital to the success of an eco-museum, as it allows the museum the opportunity to develop from the “bottom up.” The idea behind such a process is that the museum, by interacting with the community, can utilize resident input to guide government action, versus the traditional notion of the government having complete say over the development of a museum.
At first, Shihsanghang was not particularly effective in employing such a process. Gradually however, through influencing and interacting with the public and allowing the local community to slowly gain appreciation for the region, the museum was able to gather more and more feedback and participation from the residents. This in turn also opened up more resources to support local tourism.
As for helping to develop the local cultural industry however, Shihsanhang has had limited success so far, and should continue to develop and become an agent between local industry and culture.
Although Bali currently has many tourism channels and resources, it lacks a powerful unit to integrate all these promoting units. Furthermore, the surrounding environment still requires much improvement. For example, Shihsanhang hopes to improve tourism by “eco-museumising” Bali’s Left Bank and making it more attractive. Shisanhang has the ability and should begin integrating all the relevant promoting units, opening up opportunities for cooperation and creating a holistic approach to Bali’s tourism industry. If Shisanhang is able to achieve this, then it should proceed with a short-term, middle-term, and long-term plan. For the short-term, it should design tourism packages that target specific demographics as to increase a tourist’s visiting length. For the middle-term, it should develop “pathways” (themed-routes of Bali), as to make the sites visited by tourists in Bali more relevant to their interests. And for the long-term, it should make an entire development plan for Bali, helping to create high-value added local industries.
Keywords: Eco-Museum, Cultural Tourism, Shihsanhang Museum |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 95355043 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095355043 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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