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Title: | 休閒農場網路行銷之應用與研究 |
Authors: | 劉富森 |
Contributors: | 黃思明 劉富森 |
Keywords: | 休閒農業 休閒農場 網路行銷 Leisure farm e-marketing internet marketing |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:50:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究之目的為瞭解休閒農場應用網路行銷的狀況,及其策略類型,並且分析背後影響因素與可能的問題或困難,提出建議,期望有所貢獻。
在研究問題三方面,飛牛牧場與薰衣草森林目前各自有不同的困難;飛牛牧飛牛牧場問題的癥結點在於負責主管和組織對網路行銷的瞭解程度不足,而薰衣草森林問題的癥結點則在於創意不足。本研究最後並針對飛牛牧場與薰衣草森林應用網路行銷缺失之處,提出建議與可能的改進之道。 The purpose of this study is to draw the pictures of E-Marketing of leisure farms in Taiwan, to understand what kind of strategy of E-Marketing leisure farms are applying, and then to discern the variables which affect leisure farms on E-Marketing. Finally this study makes some suggestions for the problems leisure farms encounter.
In this article, a leisure farm is defined as a place to provide people the experiences of agriculture and local ecology as well as to meet the needs of leisure with tourism, agriculture, local ecology, natural landscape, and local culture.
Based on the analysis of the two cases: FlyingCow Ranch and Lavender Cottage, this study addresses the following questions:
1. What kind of strategy of E-Marketing the leisure farms apply?
2. Which variables influence the leisure farms on E-Marketing?
3. Currently what are the problems the leisure farms have?
In question 1, FlyingCow Ranch transforms its way of E-Marketing three times
as time goes on, respectively, The Ornamental Web Presence (2001~2004), The Information Web Presence (2004~2007, and The Relational Web Presence (2007~present). In the beginning, Lavender Cottage starts from the strategy of The Relational Web Presence.
In question 2, there are six variables. They are Brand Image, Commitment of top executives, Degree of knowledge about E-Marketing of E-Marketing officer, Degree of knowledge about E-Marketing of organization, E-Marketing Partners, and Customers" needs.
In question 3, the main problem FlyingCow Ranch has lies in that both the officer and organization lack the knowledge about E-Marketing. And, the main problem Lavender Cottage faces relates to creativity. In the end of this article, this study also makes some advices to address the defects of the E-Marketing of FlyingCow Ranch and Lavender Cottage. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 95355033 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095355033 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文
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