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    Title: 廣告量對品牌態度與購買率之影響
    The effects of advertising outlay on consumers’ brand attitude and purchase rate
    Authors: 陳怡穆
    Chen, Yi Mu
    Contributors: 樓永堅

    Lou, Yung Chien
    Bei, Lien Ti

    Chen, Yi Mu
    Keywords: 廣告量函數
    panel data分析法
    ad-sales function
    ad hierarchy of effecy
    ad cumulate effect
    mediation effect
    panel data analysis
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 16:47:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 廣告量的文獻中,一派是以實驗設計為主的研究,多以廣告的展露 (exposure) 次數與時間,以及廣告版面尺寸等替代性指標做為衡量廣告量多寡的依據,並探討其對消費者心理變數的影響;另一派則是以經濟計量模型為主的研究,著重於探討廣告支出與其他行銷投入變數對銷售量或市場佔有率的影響。為了彌補以往廣告量文獻中的計量模型研究未能探討消費者心理變數的缺口,本研究以計量模式,加入消費者對品牌的態度做為中介變數,探討廣告支出對消費者的品牌態度與購買率的影響。
    本研究採用資料庫資料針對廣告量對於消費者的品牌態度與購買率的影響進行分析,分別探討廣告量函數的形狀、廣告的階層效果、遞延效果、與競爭效果,並採用panel data分析法進行分析。研究樣本包括三大類的常購品與四大類的選購品,以及連鎖店的品牌。另外,連鎖店品牌的架構中,納入店數為自變數,因為店數愈多表示其在消費者展露的次數也愈多,類似廣告量的效果。
    採用Baron and Kenny (1986) 三步驟,檢驗消費者對產品的品牌態度為廣告量佔比與購買率關係的中介變數,進而推論廣告的階層效果。結果顯示,食品類、飲料類、與電器機車類產品中,為呈現部份中介效果,而金融產品類的產品,如信用卡、保險、存款等金融服務,因與長期的金錢投入有關,消費者也較為謹慎,此時消費者對於品牌的評估較為完整與週延,呈現出完全中介效果。
    另一方面,透過九年的資料分析並以Koyck model探討廣告量的遞延效果,從結果分析中無法得到前期的廣告量效果影響本期消費者的購買率,反而是前期的廣告效果透過影響消費者前期品牌態度或者是前期購買率,進而間接地影響本期的購買率,說明廣告的展露會隨著時間的經過,轉化成為公司的一項無形資產。
    Most experimental literature took advertising exposure time, frequency, and/or size to substitute real advertising amount, and analyzed how the effects of advertising amount on consumers’ psychological variables. But econometric literature focused on the effects of advertising outlay and other marketing mix variables on sales and/or market share. This study is inspired by these two streams of research and trying to mix them together, that is taking consumers’ brand attitude as mediator of the “ad-sales function”; moreover, explores how the advertising outlay affect consumes’ brand attitude and purchase rate.
    The current research aims to study the relationship between advertising expenditure and consumers’ attitude and purchase rate. In addition, the store number is included in the framework of chain store brands because the larger store number, the more ad exposure. To fulfill the research purposes, three datasets, Rainmaker XKM’s advertising outlay report, Eastern Integrated Consumer Profile (E-ICP), and Taiwan Chain Store Almanac are adopted. After matching these three databases, 76 frequent purchased brands, 81 selective purchase brands, and 21 chain store brands with 10-year period data are generated. Panel data analysis is selected since it can avoid the estimation bias from single cross-sectional or time-series analysis only.
    The results show that the higher ad share of voice (ad share), the better consumer’s brand attitude and higher purchase rate in all kinds of product categories. The shape of ad share-purchase rate function is concave in food and drink products, but linear in others. In addition, the shape of ad-attitude function is similar to ad share-purchase rate function.
    Brand attitude is considered a mediator of the relationship between ad shares and purchase rate base on advertising hierarchy models (e.g. AIDA model) that the advertising influences consumers’ attitudes prior to their behaviors. Baron and Kenny’s (1986) three steps of testing mediation effect is adopted to check the role of consumers’ brand attitude. The results reveal partial mediation effect in food, drink, and electronic product, full mediation effect in financial products, such as credit card, insurance, and saving account.
    The lagged effect of advertising on the consumers’ purchase rate makes the effect of advertising last from four to eight months, or even one year (Dekimpe and Hanssens, 1995; Winer, 1980). Koyck model shows better model fit than prior ad share direct effect model. Therefore, ad investment is transferred into a business reputation and affect consumers’ purchase rate in the long run.
    Advertising and brand awareness competition effect are also discussed in this research. The business with higher relative advertising outlay, the higher purchase rate it has. Moreover, the purchase rate of brand with higher awareness is not affect by the advertising of brand with lower awareness. But the clothing is an exception. Because the clothing brand has clear segmentation and position, the consumers loyal to certain brand. Thus, the consumers’ purchase rate of target brand might not be affected by the advertising of other competitive brands.
    Summary of above results, marketers should not only focus on short run advantages, but also long run advertising investment. Through day-to-day advertising exposure to change or transform consumers’ brand attitude. Therefore, the business could plan a long run advertising exposure schedule to lessen the speed of consumers’ advertising attenuation. Suggesting the marketers should build up their brand equity and identify the position among competitors to survive in the uncontrolled environment.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093355510
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Business Administation] Theses

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