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Title: | 品牌進入策略之初探與分析-以台灣食品廠商為例 The Analysis of Brand Entery Strategy for Food Industry in Taiwan |
Authors: | 盧玉慧 Lu,Yui-Hui |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 Chiou, Jyh-shen 盧玉慧 Lu,Yui-Hui |
Keywords: | 品牌進入策略 品牌權益 自創品牌 共創品牌 食品廠商 Brand entry strategy Brand Equity Private Label Co-brand Food company |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:46:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著經濟體制的改革開放,廠商品牌經營的範疇也隨之擴大至國際市場。同時隨著競爭優勢的典範轉移,進入模式所考量的內部因素-品牌權益的運用,也變得日形重要。因此「如何利用品牌權益有效率的切入市場」的議題也隨之受到重視。目前學術界在進入模式及品牌策略層面都已累積了為數不少的深入研究。然針對此議題的研究卻十分的缺少,因此本研究將針對此理論缺口,利用質化研究的方式,以台灣食品廠商做為訪談對像,進行深入探討。
再利用個案分析的結果,歸納出現有廠商進入新市場所採取的品牌進入策略類型為「自創品牌進入策略」、「共創品牌進入策略」及「信任建立式品牌進入策略」。並詳細說明各品牌進入策略的特性及成因,並據此提出相關命題。最後本研究再以行銷交換成本為構面,針對不同的品牌進入策略提出建議的解決模式。 With liberalized economic system the scope of corporate brands has also been expanded to international markets. Simultaneously, the paradigm shift in competitive advantage makes exertion of brand equity more critical, which is an internal factor considered by entry mode. Thus, the issue concerning “how to enter markets efficiently by brand equity” is highly stressed. Currently, many in-depth researches of entry mode and brand strategy dimensions have been conducted in academic field, yet rather few have been made on this issue. To fill the theoretical gap, the research uses qualitative methodology by interviewing food companies in Taiwan for through discussion.
First, in order to distinguish the relationship between brand equity and efficiency of market entry, the research analyzes relationship between brand equity and exchange problems in literature review, while systematically explain how brand equity affects exchange costs via Chiou’s (2006) marketing 4C analytical framework. Identical framework is adopted in case studies to discuss problem solving abilities and brand entry strategy of five representative food companies.
Then according to results of case studies, the research summarizes brand entry strategy types adopted by current companies when entering new markets, categorizing as “private label entry strategy”, “ co-brand entry strategy” and “trust-establishing brand entry strategy”, and elaborating on characteristics and causes of each brand’s entry strategy to come up with hypothesis. Finally, the research uses marketing exchange cost as dimension, providing suggested solution models of entry strategies for different brands.
Key words: Brand Entry Strategy, Brand Equity, Private Label, Co-brand, Food Company. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 93355039 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093355039 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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