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Title: | 公營銀行民營化經營績效之研究 The Operating Performance Research of State-owned Banks` Privatization |
Authors: | 洪偉洲 Hung,Wei-Chou |
Contributors: | 周文賢 黃國峯 洪偉洲 Hung,Wei-Chou |
Keywords: | 公營銀行 民營化 經營績效 銀行經營原則 結構方程式模式 |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:45:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,銀行業面臨過度競爭的困境,銀行家數過多使得業者紛紛採用價格競爭的方式來搶攻市場。加上普遍缺乏金融創新的能力,服務與產品趨向同質化,更使該產業處於競爭激烈的環境。政府為了提升公營銀行的經營績效,遂以民營化作為提升競爭力的方法,民營化後是否能夠有效提升績效,來解決效率不彰的問題,是個值得深入探究的議題。
關鍵字:公營銀行、民營化、經營績效、銀行經營原則、結構方程式模式 In recent years, there are many difficulties in the Taiwanese banking industry, especially the over-banking problem. Every bank uses the price competition to broaden its market share because they have no innovative ability to create new products and services. In order to solve this problem, Taiwanese government regarded privatization as the best way to improve state-owned banks’ operating performance. This issue has also become a very popular subject of studies.
This study investigated the difference of operating performance between pre-privatization and post-privatization. It discussed and examined the relationship among Safety, Activity, Liquidity, Profitability and Growth. Based on the results, Profitability is directly affected by Safety and Growth. In addition, Growth is also directly affected by Activity. So, if managers of a bank want to make profit continuously, they have to care about not only sales growth but also risk management.
After privatization, there are three increasing indicators, including equity ratio, current ratio and quick ratio. However, there are still eight decreasing ones, inclusive of fixed asset turnover ratio, equity turnover ratio, total asset turnover ratio, return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), profit margin on sales, equity growth rate and sales growth rate. As a result, privatization is probably not the best solution to improve the operating performance of state-owned banks.
Key words: state-owned banks, privatization, operating performance |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 93355006 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093355006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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