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    Title: Factors Affecting the Inter-orginizational Collaborative Team Process and Team Performance
    Authors: 郭芳瑜
    Kuo, Fang-Yu
    Contributors: 于卓民


    Kuo, Fang-Yu
    Keywords: 跨組織合作團隊
    Inter-organizational Collaborative Teams
    Inter-organizational Relationships
    Team Process
    Team Performance
    Project Characteristics
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 16:43:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: The goal of this dissertation was to explore the key factors and managerial mechanisms that influence performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. Specifically, this research addressed five key constructs: inter-organizational collaboration relationships, project characteristics, team process, managerial mechanisms, and team performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams.

    Data for this study was collected via semi-structured interviews within two stages. In the first stage, interviews were done with the executives, focusing on the inter-organizational relationships, managerial mechanisms and the performance of the inter-organizational collaborative team from strategic perspectives. The next stage involved with interviews with the team members to collect the information regarding team process more thoroughly.

    The results suggested that (1) Inter-organizational relationships positively affect the inter-organizational team process. (2) Project Characteristics also play a role in the team process of inter-organizational collaboration. (3) Inter-organizational team process have positively influence on the performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. (4) Managerial mechanisms, such as mutual learning, and organizational culture, also have influences on the team process and team performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. However, we had few findings about the team incentives program or any other formal mechanisms that promote the team process and team performance.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091355014
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