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Title: | 顧客權益之前置因素與後果之探討 - 以多層次傳銷業為例 |
Authors: | 曾瓊妮 Tseng, Chiung-Ni |
Contributors: | 張愛華 曾瓊妮 Tseng, Chiung-Ni |
Keywords: | 顧客權益 關係權益 多層次傳銷 顧客取得 顧客維持 Customer Equity Retention Equity Multi-level Marketing Customer Acqisition Customer Retention |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:42:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 品牌權益的相關研究與實務已經做了許多年,但對於一個包涵面更廣的管理概念-「顧客權益」的相關研究,則是一塊比較新穎的研究領域。「顧客權益」的觀念能幫助企業更加了解、管理和維持舊有的顧客,並積極爭取新顧客,而且又將顧客視為一項重要資產,以審慎的觀念與態度加以管理。
根據Rust, Zeithaml和Lemon(2001)提出的顧客權益架構,即價值權益、品牌權益、關係權益三個構面所形成之構念,本研究將其與傳/直銷商五大類活動相結合,即核心表現、對會員貢獻之肯定、會員間相互依賴之加強、傳播組織知識及招攬外部會員之需求,使顧客權益的模式應用到傳/直銷業者舉辦的活動上,藉以了解在傳/直銷業中,顧客權益是如何藉由互動活動來影響組織的顧客經營績效,即顧客取得、連帶銷售及顧客維持。
三、核心表現會透過影響社群建立,再從社群建立影響顧客取得及顧客維持,亦可透過對知識建立的影響,再從知識建立影響連帶銷售及顧客維持﹔會員間相互依賴之加強會透過影響社群建立,再從社群建立影響顧客取得及顧客維持﹔傳播組織知識可透過知識建立來影響連帶銷售的提升及顧客維持,亦可透過社群建立來影響顧客之取得及顧客之維持﹔招攬外部會員之需求可透過忠誠度回饋進而影響顧客取得。 Although many researchers have done lots of researches and practices about brand equity for many years, there is a new and scarce researching area called customer equity, which contains wider managing concept more than brand equity. The concept of customer equity could help the company to know, mange, and retain their customers more and to acquire the new customers aggressively as well. Moreover, it helps company to view customers as an important asset and to manage them in a cautious way and attitude.
According to the structure of customer equity proposed by Rust, Zeithaml and Lemon in 2001, which is the concept including value equity, brand equity, and retention equity, this study combines it with five major activities between the multi-level marketing operators and companies, which are, core service performance, recognition for contributions, member interdependence enhancement, dissemination of organizational knowledge, and external membership requirements, to know that how does it work to influence the customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention by which kind of activities.
This study takes four companies’ members as researching subjects. With collecting 306 valid samples, this study uses LISREL as a tool to analyze the data. The results are as follows:
1. Core service performance has significant influence both on community -building program and knowledge-building program. Recognition for contribution has significant influence both on special recognition and treatment and affinity program. Member interdependence enhancement has significant influence on community-building program. Dissemination of organizational knowledge has significant influence each on affinity program, community-building program, and knowledge-building program. External membership requirement has significant influence both on brand awareness and loyalty program.
2. Price has significant influence on customer acquisition and quality has significant influence on customer retention as well. Attitude toward the brand has significant influence on customer acquisition and corporate ethics has significant influence on customer retention as well. Both loyalty program and community-building program has significant influence on customer acquisition. Knowledge-building program has significant influence on add-on selling. Both community-building program and knowledge-building program has significant influence on customer retention.
3. Core service performance will influence customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention indirectly by community-building program and knowledge-building program. Member interdependence enhancement will influence customer acquisition and retention indirectly by community-building program. Dissemination of organizational knowledge will influence customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention indirectly by community-building program and knowledge-building program. Finally, external membership requirement will influence customer acquisition indirectly by loyalty program. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 90355056 92 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090355056 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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