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Title: | 多國企業派外管理與知識移轉績效關係之研究--網絡關係與知識特性干擾效果 |
Authors: | 田文彬 Tien, wen-pin |
Contributors: | 林月雲 吳靜吉
田文彬 Tien, wen-pin |
Keywords: | 派外人員 知識移轉 網絡關係 外顯知識 特定知識 知識移轉績效 吸納能力與動機 expatriates knowledge transfer networks explicit knowledge specific knowledge knowledge transfer performance absorptive capacity and motivation |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:41:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 知識移轉隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,成為多國企業管理知識優勢的重要議題。本研究首要目的是針對派外人員是知識移轉重要媒介的前題,探討台灣企業不同派外人員特徵與子公司特性,如何有效提昇子公司知識移轉績效的部分;其次,本研究採用資源基礎理論的觀點,探討不同的網絡關係,以及知識特性與知識移轉績效之關係。
上述實證研究所建構的研究模型,證實派外人員在知識移轉過程中扮演重要媒介角色,對多國企業推動母子公司間知識移轉具有指引價值。未來可供後續研究進行大樣本實證,而模型中各項構念與研究變項之因果關係,有待後續研究更進一步的驗證,以發展更具解釋的跨國知識移轉相關理論。 With the coming of knowledge transfer in knowledge the economic age, it has becomes a significant issue in MNC’s management of knowledge advantage. The first aim of this study is to focus on the assumption of the crucial vehicle of expatriates in knowledge transfer. It discusses the characteristics of expatriates Taiwanese enterprises and subsidiaries, and how effectively they improve the subsidiary’s knowledge transfer performance. Secondly, this study adopts the perspective of a resource-based view, exploring the relationships between different networks, knowledge attributes and knowledge transfer performance.
In terms of the research methods, this study gives priority to large samples questionnaire surveys, while case studies are given second place. Among them, case studies of four Taiwanese multinational corporations are used as research objects, focusing on semi-structured interviews of Human Resource Department executives along with top managers. Additionally, various sources of secondary data have been collected, including research reports, newspapers, magazines and corporate websites, in order to process the analysis of the case studies. The valid samples from the collection surveys are 105 firms (including human resource executives and top managers). The data is verified in relation to the research hypothesis using quantitative analysis.
The results of this study firstly reveal two main effects: (1) When transferring knowledge from company headquarters to subsidiaries, the higher and more complete the value activities of absorptive capacity and motivation of the subsidiaries, the stronger the positive effects will be on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance. (2) This study also indicates that the longer an expatriate’s tenure is, the more powerful the positive effect on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance will be.
The second finding is two moderating effects: (1) in terms of the strength of ties of the “networks”, the higher the “absorptive capacity and motivation” of subsidiaries, the more complete the “value activities”, and the longer the “expatriates’ tenure” are, the stronger the positive effects will be on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance. (2) When knowledge attribute is considered as “explicit knowledge”, the higher the “absorptive capacity and motivation” of subsidiaries, the more complete the “value activities”, and the longer the “expatriates’ tenure ” are, the stronger the positive effects will be on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance. (3) When knowledge attribute is considered as “specific knowledge”, the higher the “absorptive capacity and motivation” of subsidiaries and the more complete the “value activities” are, the stronger the positive effects will be on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance.
According to the above research model based on empirical research, it testifies that expatriates play a significant role in the process of knowledge transfer, and thus qualify as a valuable indicator for MNC’s performing knowledge transfer between parent and subsidiary companies. In the future, this study offers further large samples for empirical research. However, the causal relationship between every construct and research variable requires time for further examination in order to develop a more persuasive correlational theory of cross-border knowledge transfer. |
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