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Title: | 報紙政治新聞小報化傾向初探─《蘋果日報》在台發行前後之比較 Tabloidization of Political News in Newspapers - Before and After the Publication of Apple Daily in Taiwan |
Authors: | 尹俊傑 Yi,Chun Jeh |
Contributors: | 蘇蘅 Su,Herng 尹俊傑 Yi,Chun Jeh |
Keywords: | 政治新聞 小報 小報化 客觀報導 political news tabloid tabloidization objective reporting |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:19:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國內報業在開放報禁後逐漸邁入競爭激烈的市場型態,各報先後朝以讀者需求與利潤為依歸的市場導向模式發展,而《蘋果日報》於2003年在台灣發行之後,再度對台灣報業市場產生一次極大衝擊。本研究聚焦在報紙政治新聞,觀察以往以硬性資訊為主的政治新聞在此脈絡下是否也受其影響開始出現或加劇原有的「小報化」傾向。
最後,本研究以四個客觀性報導處理手法做為觀察指標,檢視國內政治新聞報導是否受「小報化」負面影響而在新聞專業與報導素質上做出讓步。在純淨新聞裡不摻記者個人意見、和明確提供消息來源等基本處理方式上,《蘋果日報》登台前後的政治新聞差異並不大;然而,國內報紙政治新聞的解釋與評論性質報導卻帶有了更多的黨派色彩,且平衡陳述對立意見的報導比例也逐漸減少。 Apple Daily has made an impact on the strongly competitive newspaper market in Taiwan since its publication in 2003, spilling over tabloid news values into other media outlets. This study focuses solely on traditionally serious and hard political news and sets out to examine whether it has been influenced, or tabloidized, over time.
Quantitative content analysis on political news items from three largest non-tabloid newspapers - Liberty Times, United Daily and China Times - was carried out and measured at three different levels: form, main topic and style. News samples were randomly selected in 2000, 2003 and 2006.
In terms of form, more and more political news incorporated visual elements, such as photographs, as means for presenting information, while the page space devoted to text remained relatively stable. As for main topic, the overall decrease of coverage on government, parliament and policies was evident, and the focus has been shifted toward political scandal. With regard to style, the personalized coverage on political figures was done with a more softer approach by focusing more on human interest stories. And personal conflicts of politicians were highlighted in coverage on political conflict.
Finally, measurement of objective reporting was adopted to gauge whether there was an overall decrease in journalistic standards of political reporting. The results were mixed. While the basic practices of not presenting subjective opinion and anonymous news source were maintained over the period, the news comments have become more partisan and the balanced presentation of conflicting political views has decreased. |
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