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Title: | 兒童網路性別態度與社會化歷程探討 The Relationship between Children’s Attitudes toward Gender Representation on the Internet and the Processes of Socialization |
Authors: | 樊誌融 Fan, Chih-Jung |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 Huang, Wei-wei 樊誌融 Fan, Chih-Jung |
Keywords: | 兒童 社會化 網路性別態度 children socialization attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:16:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國兒童上網人口逐年攀升,兒童接觸網路的年齡逐年降低,網路上資訊充沛,兒童很有可能會接觸到網路上有關性別描述的內容,但是兒童會對網路上的性別描述抱持何種態度?因此本研究試圖瞭解兒童對網路上的性別描述抱持什麼樣的態度,並深入探究有哪些因素會影響兒童對於網路上性別描述的態度。
研究發現,兒童對於網路上有關性別的描述略微傾向不相信,家庭、同儕、學校等社會化機制會影響兒童網路性別態度,家庭、同儕、學校等社會化機制與兒童網路態度的關聯性都達顯著相關,而且家庭、同儕和學校等社會化機制亦可顯著預測兒童網路性別態度,其中以同儕的影響力最大,反觀兒童的媒體使用行為不會影響兒童網路性別態度,另外,本研究還發現,居住縣市變項可以顯著預測兒童網路性別態度,居住在新竹市的學童較居住在其他縣市不相信網路上有關性別的描述。 As the population of that children use the Internet is rising and the age of that children first access to the Internet is declining. There is lots of information on the Internet and children are probably exposed to the contents that relate to sex or gender. This study wants to know what children’s attitudes toward those gender contents are and which factors influence their attitudes. This study attempts to explore this issue from socialization perspective and to understand how the agents of socialization influence children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet.
This study adopts the quantitative method and analyzes the second data to understand how the processes of socialization affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet.
Subjects in this study are selected from students in elementary schools in northern Taiwan via sampling and structural questionnaires are used to collect data. The total number of reliable questionnaires is 495. The major findings in the study are as follows:
First, children slightly disagree with the gender portrayal on the Internet. Second, the agents of socialization including family, peer group, and school can affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Third, mass media, whether TV or the Internet, cannot influence children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Fourth, living areas can affect children’s attitudes toward gender representation on the Internet. Children living in Hsinchu city disagree with the gender portrayal on the Internet more than those living in the other areas in northern Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學研究所 91453006 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0914530061 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [廣播電視學系] 學位論文
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