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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/29773

    Title: 媒體素養教育融入九年一貫社會學習領域--第四階段能力指標與課程發展雛議
    Authors: 白佳麒
    Pai, Chia-Chi
    Contributors: 吳翠珍
    Wu, Sophia, T.
    Pai, Chia-Chi
    Keywords: 媒體素養
    Media Literacy
    Media Education
    Social Studies Learning Areas
    Competence Indicators
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 16:16:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 媒體素養教育的發展在近十年已成為各國積極推動之重要教學內涵,由於媒體教育目的在啟發學生對於媒體的感知與思辨能力,一般而言,較沒有固定的教材與教學模式,故過去現場教師對於媒體教育一直存有實踐之困境,在九年一貫教育體制與教學方法的變革下,對於媒體教育而言,提供了更多的融入契機與教學空間,本論文主要之研究目的在發展媒體素養融入九年一貫社會學習領域七到九年級之能力指標與教案範例,藉以拉進學理論述與現場教師教學行動的距離,搭起理論與實踐的橋樑。


    The development of media literacy has been a focus of governments around the world in recent years. Since the goal of media literacy is to enlighten the students on sense of media and ability of critical thinking, there is no fixed material and teaching pattern for that. In the past, on-site teachers were stuck with the realization of media education. With the revolution of Grade 1-9 Curriculum system and teaching methods, it provides more opportunities and spaces for media literacy. The goal of this research is to integrate the media literacy into the competence indicators and sample teaching plan of Grade 7-9 of curriculum on social studies learning areas, in order to shorten the distance between theoretic statement and action of teaching and bridge the theory and practice.

    The design of this research is based on the curriculum development. First of all, we investigate the current situation of media literacy on competence indicators in social studies learning areas in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and U.S. by literature review and fact exploration. The development plan and advices on the integration of media literacy into competence indicators and learning intension in social studies learning areas are proposed based on comparison of different country’s situation, development requirements and current teaching materials of our country, related theories, and current social and education conditions of our country.

    After the initial establishment of competence indicators, we try to convert the ability requirement and learning goal of media literacy appointed by the indicator into viable sample teaching plans according to the curriculum deign procedures. After the assessment by specialists and scholars, the teaching goal, schedule, and suggestions will be modified and 14 sample-teaching plans will be formed. The teaching intensions include the five core concept listed in the Literacy Education White Book published by the Department of Education in 2002. 2-3 teaching themes are set for the teaching of Grade 7-9, combining with curriculums of different textbooks. The teaching is implemented together with the public TV teaching programs. Hope our research is helpful for the on-site teacher of media education.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0914530052
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