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Title: | 跨國運動商品企業網站傳播策略之內容分析—美國、中國與台灣之比較 |
Authors: | 黃啟鈞 |
Contributors: | 賴建都 黃啟鈞 |
Keywords: | 內容分析法 傳播策略 跨國企業 運動商品 網站 Communication strategies Content analysis method Multinational corporations (MNCs) Sports Commodity Website |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:11:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以網際網路做為企業行銷溝通之互動性媒介為觀點,以內容分析法進行兩部分之研究。第一部份以分析跨國運動商品企業網站首頁為題;第二部分則測度傳播策略呈現在跨文化運動商品網頁中的標準化程度,以期對跨國運動商品企業建置各國家地區網站與網頁之現況有一概括性的瞭解。
第二部分研究植基於傳統廣告內容的分析技術,變項涵括:「資訊內容」、「文化價值」與「創意策略」等三面向,檢測跨國運動商品企業設置於美國、中國與台灣地區共計211個網頁樣本。結果發現運動商品網頁確實是涉入度高、資訊承載量大的互動性媒體,偏向使用「獨立性文化價值」以傳達個體性而非集體性的文化概念。然而大中華區在廣告運用與網路媒體的開放性,複雜紛呈的文化價值表現,亦造成運動商品網頁的跨文化差異化。創意策略則使用商品的論點與細節,結合象徵性聯想與品牌熟悉度的方式,同時傳達品牌名稱、商標符號與名人代言的情境,以行銷每一季推陳出新的運動商品。 This study regards the Internet as an interactive medium of corporate marketing communication, engages in two parts of studies by content analysis method. The first part analyzes sports-commodity multinational corporations’ home pages; the second part evaluates the degree of standardizations’ online communication strategies across differing cultures. And to comprehend summarized about how the sports-commodity MNCs set up regional websites.
Divides into two frames of “content” and “design” categories, the first part analyzes 33 home-page samples in 12 sports-commodity MNCs among USA, China, and Taiwan. So that sports-commodity home pages’ content items and design functions have no remarkable difference. But the systems of online shopping environment are not mature in China and Taiwan. The result is coherent with past cross-cultural studies that compared marketing communications.
On the basis of traditional advertising content study techniques, three explanatory variables are conducted, i.e. “information content”, “culture value” and “creative strategies”. Examining the 211 web-page samples in sports-commodity MNCs among USA, China, and Taiwan, the finding suggests that the high involvement nature of interactive medium is closely related to the informative web pages. And the predominant usage of “independent culture value” conveys individualism but collectivism cultural concepts. However, the liberalization of the Internet media and advertising usage; representation of complicated culture values, are the reasons to cause the cross-cultural diversity between localized sports-commodity MNCs’ web pages. To weed through the old to bring forth the new sports commodity every season, the MNCs have adapted their web creative strategies by products’ arguments and specifics, and integrating symbolic association and brand familiarization, with context of brand name, trademark and celebrity endorsers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣告研究所 90452010 92 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090452010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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