題名: | 整合行銷傳播在媒體行銷之應用:以《時報周刊》雜誌改版後為例 The Application of Integrated Marketing Communication in Media Marketing: A Case Study of China Times Weekly Magazine |
作者: | 黃挺洲 Huang, Ting Chou |
貢獻者: | 祝鳳岡 黃挺洲 Huang, Ting Chou |
關鍵詞: | 整合行銷傳播 資料庫 行銷策略組合 傳播工具 廣告服務品質 綜效 個案研究 |
日期: | 2007 |
上傳時間: | 2009-09-11 16:10:12 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 台灣雜誌市場在近十年來有愈來愈競爭的現象,雜誌業者在面對未來市場,該如何以最佳型態來滿足讀者的需求,如何更深化市場,持續推動成長,都是雜誌同業必須共同思索的議題。過去不受重視的行銷策略,現在因為雜誌市場的激烈競爭,必須憑藉著優異的行銷組合、傳播工具及資源整合等方式,有效取得市場銷售優勢,才能在市場上取得領先,搶得市佔率。此外,當廣告營收成為雜誌經營最重要的收入來源時,如何提升廣告主的滿意度,與廣告主建立長久穩定的關係,也成為此次研究的關注焦點。
研究結果發現,《時報周刊》的改版,加強了競爭優勢,主要源自於下列因素:1.資料庫行銷的強化應用。2.縝密的行銷策略組合,將雜誌開本改為市場主流規格、降低紙張成本、衍生改版後的創新形象、直接挑戰競爭對手的零售價格、更好的陳列位置、增強新聞議題的操作強度…等。3.多元化傳播工具的創意表現,做到了整合的策略性、一致性與協調性的綜效。4.在綜效評估部分,做到了讀者喜歡、發行數字成長的綜效。而針對廣告主的廣告服務品質的滿意度來看,最為肯定業務人員的專業能力及服務態度,其次,對於新聞內容品質上也有很高的滿意度。最後,從整合行銷傳播的理論架構來看,《時報周刊》這次的改版從資料庫開始所做的讀者分析、確認讀者的需求到發展最適溝通策略,整合對外傳播訊息及各項傳播工具表現一致的溝通訊息(One Voice, One Look),符合本研究所敘述之整合行銷傳播觀念模式。 During the last decade the magazine market in Taiwan has been getting more and more competitive. When facing the incoming market, the publishers have to think out issues like how to fulfill readers’ requirements with their best arrangement, deepen and stabilize their market share, and promote persisting growth. In the past marketing strategies didn’t get much attention; however, since the fierce competition goes on and on, inevitably only applying excellent marketing strategy mix, communication tools and resource integration will enhance the advantages of market share and keep the leading position. Besides, when advertising revenue becomes the most important one to the magazine profit, in this study we also focus on how to raise advertisers’ satisfaction and build up long-term and loyal relations with them.
The subject of this case study in the article is the earliest B4 size magazine, China Times Weekly (CTW), published in Taiwan, which revised in March 2007. On approaching the case, we adopt various methods including data analysis, in-depth interview and questionnaire survey. According to those IMC models from various theories, we apply a fixed IMC model to analyze the implementation within CTW’s revision in order to draw a thorough picture of the integrated marketing strategies as well as to understand how they were delivered in CTW‘s revision. Besides, this paper also aims to set out the model of magazine advertising service quality based on the needs of advertisers, and makes use of this conceptual model to evaluate the performances of CTW’s revision. With deep understanding of advertisers’ evaluation to CTW, it can be figured out efficient ways to raise their satisfaction levels. Through detailed observations on practices and with multiple research methods, we wish to figure out the main issues and key factors to success when thinking of integrated marketing communication strategy and to provide relevant researches on magazine publishers for practicing.
The results show that CTW‘s revision did enhance its competitive advantages, which were mainly from the following factors: 1.Enhanced application of database marketing. 2.Detailed and well-knit marketing strategy mix, including downsizing format to the mainstream scale, reducing the cost of paper, creating innovating images, challenging competitors’ retail prices, better display position and enhancing the strength of news topics, etc. 3.Creative performance of multiple communication tools, achieving the synergy of integrated strategies, coherence, and cooperation. 4.On evaluating synergy, readers show their preference to the new version and the publication grows. Besides, as for the advertisers’ satisfaction on the quality of advertising service, the most positive response is the professionalism and service attitude, and next to that is the quality of news content. Finally, viewing through the structure of IMC theory, the revision of CTW, from the reader analysis of database, confirming readers’ requirements and developing optimal communication strategies, integrating outwardly communication and every communication tool to convey coherent information as one-voice, one-look, fits in the ideal model of IMC. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 95941003 96 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0959410031 |
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